MARSOC Short Card


Non Ducor Duco - USNA 2024
Feb 11, 2020
I am an incoming plebe of the class of '24. As my fellow incoming plebes may have noticed, the training plan that came in the PTR is a 14 week plan.. with less than 14 weeks until I-Day. While the plan they attached is great and I am sure everyone has been training, I figured I may as well share one my favorite workouts to possibly help someone out. I found out about the MARSOC Short card after asking my dad (a retired Gunny) about good workouts. This thing is great. It is scalable ( if needed). Everything is a 4ct exercise and meant to be ran through with no rest between sets. I typically start with a 4-6 mile run and run through this 2-3 times.
30 Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Crunches
10 Burpees
10 Windmills
30 Push-ups
30 Mountain climbers
30 Flutter kicks
10 Burpees
10 Cherry pickers (4-count)
30 Push-ups
30 Running Jumping Jacks
30 Back Extensions ("supermans")
10 Burpees
10 Chain breakers
30 Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Hello dollies
10 Burpees
10 Trunk twists
3 Max sets of dead-hang pull-ups or flexed-arm hangs

Get out and get after it '24!
Good stuff. Your dad probably started with The Daily 7 which a few years ago became the Daily 16 which is much of what Snake Eaters do for their purposes such as swimming, increased endurance for snoopin and poopin, and strength for a heavier combat load out, thus the MARSOC workout you referenced.

You are already a runner so you have a head start. Those doing what you and your classmates are about to encounter are much better prepared if you are not just in shape, but in excellent physical condition. That will be one less thing to worry about.

Also, you mentioned four count exercises. Most everything on the list at least in the Marine Corps is four count, e.g., push ups. Except the Marines call them Marine Corps Push ups which are the aforementioned four count.

Y'all have fun and good luck.
Those doing what you and your classmates are about to encounter are much better prepared if you are not just in shape, but in excellent physical condition. That will be one less thing to worry about.

Very true ... one of the last tips I give my successful candidates is be in the best condition you can be for Plebe Summer. Plebe Summer is part physical, part emotional, and part psychological. Take the physical side out of the equation and its a lot easier !
Runners have a head start but for all others Run, Run, Run. DD said that running in humidity at Annapolis was the toughest part not the PT,
running in humidity at Annapolis was the toughest part not the PT,
I am from Arizona, so I am rather accustomed to running in heat (nothing like PT when ins 110+!). But heat AND Humidity.... oh boy
Arizona heat is dry heat much like hell without the humidity like Annapolis adds on.