Math Placement tests during BCT?


USAFA '28 :)
Jul 12, 2023
Hi, USAFA ‘28 here, entering in 10 days!! Super excited, but I was wondering if we had another Math placement test during BCT? For background, I took Calc 3/MultiVar my senior year of HS. You can’t validate that at USAFA, and the highest math class you can take Doolie year is Calc 3. We took 2 mandatory and 1 optional math tests on the appointee kit for in-processing, and I did good on all of them, and I’m hoping to be placed in Calc 3 for Doolie year. I know we take Chemistry and Language placement tests during BCT, but I was curious if we take more math ones, or if only the tests from the appointee kit are used to place you into your math class for the first year.
Hi, USAFA ‘28 here, entering in 10 days!! Super excited, but I was wondering if we had another Math placement test during BCT? For background, I took Calc 3/MultiVar my senior year of HS. You can’t validate that at USAFA, and the highest math class you can take Doolie year is Calc 3. We took 2 mandatory and 1 optional math tests on the appointee kit for in-processing, and I did good on all of them, and I’m hoping to be placed in Calc 3 for Doolie year. I know we take Chemistry and Language placement tests during BCT, but I was curious if we take more math ones, or if only the tests from the appointee kit are used to place you into your math class for the first year.
In April at an Appointee Briefing, I was told by admissions that the online math placement tests were only used to plan how many classes of each level were needed. They said they use in person placement tests during BCT to determine the level of math for each cadet.
In April at an Appointee Briefing, I was told by admissions that the online math placement tests were only used to plan how many classes of each level were needed. They said they use in person placement tests during BCT to determine the level of math for each cadet.
Ahh I see, thank you!