Medical waiver not requested yet??

Nov 2, 2017
so I was medically dq’d nearly a month ago and still no word from the academy about going for a waiver (Usma has requested one and nothing from USNA). I feel like I am competitive 31 act ranked top 10% of my class. I have a presidential nomination and passed my cfa. Will they wait until they sort my slate to go for a waiver or should I be expecting a rejection letter?
so I was medically dq’d nearly a month ago and still no word from the academy about going for a waiver (Usma has requested one and nothing from USNA). I feel like I am competitive 31 act ranked top 10% of my class. I have a presidential nomination and passed my cfa. Will they wait until they sort my slate to go for a waiver or should I be expecting a rejection letter?

Hey Futurecowboy99 I know how annoying it can be going through the waiver process for USAFA, so here's what I went through last application cycle when I applied. I was disqualified due to my high astigmatism. From the moment I was DQ to the moment I recieved a waiver, the entire process took months- more than a month i'm sure. As you probably read already, if the USAFA believes you are competative, they will put you through the waiver process and try and get you medically qualified so you can continue competing for an appointment. I called everyone you can think of. I contacted DODMERB, my Admissions Councilor, the Admission Director, you name it I called lol. From talking to somone in admissions, I was told that my file was going through the process of being looked at by the waiver authorities. later on I was notifed of my waiver being granted. Aside from that, i'll add something I said on another thread, even though I recieved a waiver from USAFA, I still did not receive an appointment. Nothing is guaranteed. Eventually USAFA will have to notify you of their decision. They won't leave you on "disqualified" forever. I wish you the best of luck. We're all hear impatiently waiting to see if we recieve an appointment lol.
so I was medically dq’d nearly a month ago and still no word from the academy about going for a waiver (Usma has requested one and nothing from USNA). I feel like I am competitive 31 act ranked top 10% of my class. I have a presidential nomination and passed my cfa. Will they wait until they sort my slate to go for a waiver or should I be expecting a rejection letter?

Navy won’t consider you for a waiver until you receive an appointment. I’m asked them when I received my dq so now I’m just waiting for an appointment hopefully.
so I was medically dq’d nearly a month ago and still no word from the academy about going for a waiver (Usma has requested one and nothing from USNA). I feel like I am competitive 31 act ranked top 10% of my class. I have a presidential nomination and passed my cfa. Will they wait until they sort my slate to go for a waiver or should I be expecting a rejection letter?

Navy won’t consider you for a waiver until you receive an appointment. I’m asked them when I received my dq so now I’m just waiting for an appointment hopefully.
This is not accurate information. You can't be considered for an appointment unless you are medically qualified. The waiver must be granted before you will receive an appointment.

This is the email I receive from the medical technician from USNA. It states that they will not consider until an offer to attend is given, it also has been said on this forum before as well. But for USAFA they do it before you are considered based on competitiveness.
I think she may have worded it oddly. They may not put you thru the waiver process unless they INTEND to offer you an appointment, but YOU should not expect to hear about or receive an appointment from them until you are medically qualified or waived. You may rcv a Letter of Assurance (LOA), pending a medical waiver. Or it may happen nearly simultaneously, (as different portals may be updated at different times) but it's usually at least a few days apart. Waiver first, then appointment. There have been individuals that rcvd a waiver but did not get an appointment, likewise there have been applicants that received an LOA, pending medical waiver, but did not get the waiver.
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My DS is also DQ pending waivers from USNA and USMA. He was told the exact same thing that USNAMA2022hopefull was told by USNA medical technician....not put forward for a waiver until accepted. Since this seems to be inconsistent with everything that I have read, I assumed she meant that DS will be put forward for a waiver once the admissions committee determines he is a strong candidate (i.e. would be considered for an appointment if not DQ'd). It is also my understanding that not everyone is sent through for a waiver...why have medical review if not strong candidate? If I am mistaken, someone with better understanding pipe in...we are new to this process and are learning as we go!
My DS is also DQ pending waivers from USNA and USMA. He was told the exact same thing that USNAMA2022hopefull was told by USNA medical technician....not put forward for a waiver until accepted. Since this seems to be inconsistent with everything that I have read, I assumed she meant that DS will be put forward for a waiver once the admissions committee determines he is a strong candidate (i.e. would be considered for an appointment if not DQ'd). It is also my understanding that not everyone is sent through for a waiver...why have medical review if not strong candidate? If I am mistaken, someone with better understanding pipe in...we are new to this process and are learning as we go!
From my understanding many things are different this year. SA’s are cutting class size back and dodmerb was extra strict this year. I was told by my ffr that this is the most dqs and remedials we’ve ever had in my district. My RC had to cut back on waivers. I wonder if all of this is factoring into not being put forward for waivers until appointment is offered.
Things may be a little different but any commissioning source will not grant an appointment until you are medically qualified. I think what you are being told is that they will not process a waiver request unless they intend to offer an appointment.
Navy won’t consider you for a waiver until you receive an appointment. I’m asked them when I received my dq so now I’m just waiting for an appointment hopefully.

Very glad you said this I was getting so worried. Thank you.

Perhaps this is how USNA works, but our experience with USAFA is different. USAFA will put you forward for a waiver if they think you are competitive for appointment.
I think she may have worded it oddly. They may not put you thru the waiver process unless they INTEND to offer you an appointment, but YOU should not expect to hear about or receive an appointment from them until you are medically qualified or waived. You may rcv a Letter of Assurance (LOA), pending a medical waiver. Or it may happen nearly simultaneously, (as different portals may be updated at different times) but it's usually at least a few days apart. Waiver first, then appointment. There have been individuals that rcvd a waiver but did not get an appointment, likewise there have been applicants that received an LOA, pending medical waiver, but did not get the waiver.

I’m sure that’s what it means, I was confused when I saw it and thought the same thing you did as well. But will see how it plays out!
Perhaps this is how USNA works, but our experience with USAFA is different. USAFA will put you forward for a waiver if they think you are competitive for appointment.

Yes that’s what happened with my waiver at USAFA, which was already granted.