I see from your posts on the Service Academy DoDMERB forum you state:
· “got a remedial requested for eczema that I haven't had seriously since 12”
· But then you ask a hypothetical “if I have a bout of EXTREMELY MILD eczema about once a month,” & continue “and that I usually use a cream and it goes away overnight,”
· Looks to me like you think it's eczema, but you then say you self-diagnosed it, so who knows?
· You then question the words used in the question such as “chronic” or “recurring”
· Any condition such as the one you describe that occurs “about once a month” would definitely be classified as “chronic”.
· My internet search found that eczema after the age of 8/9 is a DQ & that waivers are extremely rare. This is from blog-type sites that I don’t feel are accurate enough to post a link to: one needs it to be from DoDMERB, but I couldn’t find the disqualifier age or the %’s of successful waivers.
· Several Service Academy Forum posts came up during my Google search which I assume you’ve already read.
· With all of the above, if the monthly recurrences of your skin condition haven’t been diagnosed yet by a physician, it’s unknown exactly what you have; without that, your questions are academic. Go to a doctor, post the diagnosis, & then maybe some forum members can help.