After the first 150 on the NWL, they are not required to offer appointments according to order of merit (WCS score). This is where they meet recruiting goals: recruited athletes, minorities, women, enlisted personnel, etc. Candidates in those categories must still be qualified, but may be chosen with a lower WCS score if goals for a specific category have not yet been met.Would being half Chinese help me at all? I've read that WP does fill in slots with minorities after the 150 NWL appointees. Or is it just extremely underrepresented minorities that have this advantage?
But why not me? I was told no even with my 25 ACT and B average GPA. I am older and more experiencedAfter the first 150 on the NWL, they are not required to offer appointments according to order of merit (WCS score). This is where they meet recruiting goals: recruited athletes, minorities, women, enlisted personnel, etc. Candidates in those categories must still be qualified, but may be chosen with a lower WCS score if goals for a specific category have not yet been met.
Where does this fall in the class profiles, regardless of your race?25 ACT and B average GPA
The lower end but should be top end because of circumstances. I have overcome numerous battles with drugs and I am a respected leader in my communityWhere does this fall in the class profiles, regardless of your race?
Numerous battles with drugs? That could possibly disqualify you also.The lower end but should be top end because of circumstances. I have overcome numerous battles with drugs and I am a respected leader in my community
Have you completed your application? Competitiveness for admission is based on more than just test scores and grades, although those components are heavily weighted.But why not me? I was told no even with my 25 ACT and B average GPA. I am older and more experienced
Yeah but I am in the top 10%. Do not look down on meHave you completed your application? Competitiveness for admission is based on more than just test scores and grades, although those components are heavily weighted.
Admissions calculates a numeric score (WCS score) based on your application, transcript, test scores, teacher evaluations, and fitness test. If you completed your application and your Regional Commander (RC) told you your application was not competitive, it was based your WCS score in comparison to other candidates. If you did not complete your application and were asking someone in admissions about your chances based on your GPS and test score, they were giving a general response based upon a typical class profile.
USMA is one of the most competitive schools in the country, accepting less than 10% of applicants. The average ACT score is 29. The minimum recommended for any single category is 25, although they do accept lower if there is good reason. For the most recent profile, 82% of the ACT Math scores were above 25. None were below 21.
Would being half Chinese help me at all? I've read that WP does fill in slots with minorities after the 150 NWL appointees. Or is it just extremely underrepresented minorities that have this advantage?
Yeah but I am in the top 10%. Do not look down on me
No I am applying for next year. My circumstances are more than drugs. I have had to defend my family from threats and have had to deal with dangerous people. The schools I went to didn't prepare well for standardized tests. I am a leader; if I wasn't I wouldn't be here todayWest Point doesn't care if you're in the top .10% - they want to make sure you have the potential to be a leader of character, who can lead soldiers into battle. If you do not appear to be someone capable of doing this, your chances are slim.
As for looking down on you - nobody is doing that. You ACT score is 4 points below the average, your grades are at the lower end of the average of what most people entering West Point have, and your "circumstances," which I assume allude to your battles with drugs, do not make you look better. In fact, the drugs probably have you at a high risk for being admitted; have you applied for this year yet?
As well, don't worry about race. You should never have something you can't control as your fallback.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you are indeed serious and not trolling a board mostly comprised of experienced grads and parents of cadets whose sole purpose on this website is to help people like you and I.Yeah but I am in the top 10%. Do not look down on me
I am going to ignore your disrespect for one minute to answer your long remark. You have no right to come in here and act like you know my story. On this forum you have called me horrible things and even prayed I was not real. That hurts. Is that how you will treat your fellow soldiers when you disagree by saying they do not exist? You have never had to deal with cocaine being shoved in your face. I am only speaking facts that when I called admissions they had no compassion for my story. They did not get where I came from and how I grew up and were not open minded to people who grew up differently. I only attacked people on here who attacked me. I call it like I see it and my comm college was looked down upon and I can here it in your tone. You assume I am not as good as you which is racism. I will enlist and prove all of the doubters wrong. I will be greatI'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you are indeed serious and not trolling a board mostly comprised of experienced grads and parents of cadets whose sole purpose on this website is to help people like you and I.
No one here looks down on you because of academic shortcomings and personal failings. Many of us have fought like all hell just to pass classes and struggled to meet academic standards. All of us have been involved in some less than virtuous dealings--I myself have been arrested (an event that had serious remifications with regard to my application and may yet preclude me from appointment). No one here had any idea you were a minority until you said it (it's rather depressing to see how such a large part of how you see yourself is predicated on the amount of melanin in your skin) and even if they had a way of knowing, they would not care; many of us are ethnic minorities and all of us have a special love for a career field that is extraordinarily diverse. All men are equal before the law and have equal opportunity to succeed; the United States is the closest men can get to a true meritocracy.
Where I do begin to look down on you and where I become quite repulsed and revolted with you and the society that has fostered such destructive destructive distortions of reality--which you have very clearly internalized--is your sense of victimhood, total lack of responsibility for your own life, sense of entitlement, and your propensity for leveling verbal abuse at those who wish to help you succeed.
You constantly piss and moan about how whitey has kept you down. Have you stopped to look in there mirror and analyze where you have failed and then made a serious attempt at self improvement? If not, I should dare to subit that the only person responsible for your lot in life and academic inadequacy is youself.
Do you honestly believe that white kids are given a free pass into West Point while minorities are left to try and meet impossible standards? Do you truly believe that all white kids have met no adversity in life?
Truly! What a horrible cross you must bear! I cannot imagine how horrible it must have been to never live in fear of starvation or war on the home front no matter how destitute you become! How awful it must be to be seriously considered for the world's premier military institution in the world's finest army without being born of noble blood or purchasing a commission!
Should you get accepted what will you do? Accuse the cadre of racism because they gave you hours? Accuse your peers and superiors of racism every time you don't get a promotion? Foster racial animosity among your subordinates? Accuse the enemy of prejudice when he's running amok in and behind your lines and killing your men?
No sir, I do not look down on you because of your racial status. Rather, as MLK prescribed, I judge you by the content of your character and refuse to make any allowances for your behavior simply due to the color of your skin. Your character has shown you severely deficient in the qualities necessary in an army officer--namely, responsibility and ability to take correction and make improvement.
I was content to let you thrown your tantrums unmolested, but I cannot allow your treatment of the good people of this forum to stand unchallenged.
That's precisely it! You clink around your little tin cup demanding everyone give alms in the form of pity and opportunities to which you are not entitled. You accuse us of not knowing all the stuff you've gone through, but that's the precise crime you're guilty of! You come here feeling that you've got the market cornered on hard knocks. But you have no idea what in the hell people have gone through. Trust me, however bad you have it, someone has had it worse and done more in the face of that adversity. Adversity is the human experience boiled down to one word! Everyone experiences it, and when it boils down to it no one will care about your past. They will care about the present and how well you perform. There is no excuse for failure. One of the four responses of a cadet is "no excuse, sir/ma'am" not "woe is me, sir/ma'am".I am going to ignore your disrespect for one minute to answer your long remark. You have no right to come in here and act like you know my story. On this forum you have called me horrible things and even prayed I was not real. That hurts. Is that how you will treat your fellow soldiers when you disagree by saying they do not exist? You have never had to deal with cocaine being shoved in your face. I am only speaking facts that when I called admissions they had no compassion for my story. They did not get where I came from and how I grew up and were not open minded to people who grew up differently. I only attacked people on here who attacked me. I call it like I see it and my comm college was looked down upon and I can here it in your tone. You assume I am not as good as you which is racism. I will enlist and prove all of the doubters wrong. I will be great
BSCAR you need to be nicer to people. We could have been friends if you did not roast me. I am a hard working individual who has had it rough, but I am very athletic and social so I will be fine. I am going to go to West Point and show people how to live life correctly.That's precisely it! You clink around your little tin cup demanding everyone give alms in the form of pity and opportunities to which you are not entitled. You accuse us of not knowing all the stuff you've gone through, but that's the precise crime you're guilty of! You come here feeling that you've got the market cornered on hard knocks. But you have no idea what in the hell people have gone through. Trust me, however bad you have it, someone has had it worse and done more in the face of that adversity. Adversity is the human experience boiled down to one word! Everyone experiences it, and when it boils down to it no one will care about your past. They will care about the present and how well you perform. There is no excuse for failure. One of the four responses of a cadet is "no excuse, sir/ma'am" not "woe is me, sir/ma'am".
I can honestly say I hope you do prove me wrong.
I am going to ignore your disrespect for one minute to answer your long remark. You have no right to come in here and act like you know my story. On this forum you have called me horrible things and even prayed I was not real. That hurts. Is that how you will treat your fellow soldiers when you disagree by saying they do not exist? You have never had to deal with cocaine being shoved in your face. I am only speaking facts that when I called admissions they had no compassion for my story. They did not get where I came from and how I grew up and were not open minded to people who grew up differently. I only attacked people on here who attacked me. I call it like I see it and my comm college was looked down upon and I can here it in your tone. You assume I am not as good as you which is racism. I will enlist and prove all of the doubters wrong. I will be great