Eagle Scout and Boys state are the same point value, ya? But they can stack to the higher rating?
Yes, based on an old study on USMA admissions, both Attending Boys State and becoming an Eagle Scout have the same value and they stack. In addition participating in Boys Nation get additional points that stack.
From page 10 of this Rand Report remember this report is dated from the early to mid 90's so I am sure things have changed.
Extracurricular Activity Levels and Points
800 Points - An outstanding young person with quadruple participation or honors and awards on selected extracurricular activities (each worth 600 or more points).
700 Points - Student council president. Triple participation or honors and awards in selected extracurricular activities (each worth 600 points). Participation in Boys/Girls Nation.
600 Points - High school class president. Editor-in-chief of a school publication.
Participation in Boys/Girls State, president of National Honor Society or recipient of a national or state award.
Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts) or Gold Award (Girl Scouts). Triple participation or honors and awards in selected extracurricular activities (each worth 500 points).
500 Points - Holder of one or more elective offices in moderately selective organizations. Participation in activities or recipient of awards in moderately selective organizations. Holder of a private pilot’s license.
400 Points - Participation in activities or recipient of awards in organizations with limited selectivity.
300 Points - Some participation in organized activities.
200 Points - No participation in organized activities. 200