
10-Year Member
Aug 1, 2006
Should we have already received a conformation from the Naval Academy that they received all of our paperwork and money for summer seminar?
Thank you!
Very Respectfully,
I haven't... Heard some kids who have but maybe they were the early acceptees.

But I don't recall reading anything in that packet that said we were going to recieve any acknowledgement(sp?) that they recieved our payment.
I received something about a week ago; however, I received my acceptance letter sooner than most on this board and so sent the money in a lot earlier. I would expect something in the coming weeks though...
Ask your parents if the check they sent in for payment was cashed and how long ago. If the check was cashed then something should show up soon. If not then maybe you should follow up.

Hope that helps.
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I have not gotten anything but my parents said the check has cleared.....

Kathleen and Semper Excelcius what sessions will you be attending????
I am in NASS 2.......and honestly getting a little nervous......excited but slightly anxious.....will I be the only person who does not know anyone are we all n the same boat (so to speak) ????

Does anyone know can we bring a cell phone or should I get a phone card???? I have gone away with student gov/ track and swim team lots of times but will I be able to call home to let my mom know I am alive and well :o) .........
My daughter received a letter the first week of May. She was accepted early but I did not send in her money until the cut off date (I was waiting to see if her doctor would clear her due to surgery). You will need a letter that you should receive soon along with a Photo ID to get onto the yard. She will be there for session 3. She will only know one other person attending NASS that week. Unfortunately her sister will be home for block 1 and her brother will be on his surface cruise....

Do bring your cell phone and camera.
kmjg: Haha, I'm in session 1 so I leave in less than 2 weeks... But I really don't know anyone that will be at session 1. I suppose that I can work on perfecting my slightly less than average social skills there :wink: I did join a facebook group for NASS but really haven't gotten to know anyone. I'm sure we'll all know some people quite well by the end of the week though!

Good Luck!
Last year, we received a notification that my daughter's NASS spot was about to be taken away due to non-payment, even though our check had already cleared the bank! I'm sure that's not too common, but mistakes can happen. If your check has been cleared for more than 2-3 weeks without receiving your final acceptance letter (the one that says that you should show it and a photo ID to be allowed on the Yard), I would follow up with a phone call.

Cell phones are fine to take, but don't expect to have much time to call home. My daughter got off a call the first night, but had no time after that. That may vary by squad.
What does the physical end of NASS entail? I've been having an IT band problem with my leg and I'm going to a physical therapist and having it worked on. I'm hoping I'm good to go in time and if not I'll just grin and bear it for the week and let it recover after. What kind of running is involved? I'd usually be able to do at least 4 miles with no problem but I'm kind of worried because of my knee.
So I haven't gotten confirmation of NASS payment but I did recieve a letter giving me my CIS number and password and stuff.

Anyone else get this?
I have not gotten anything yet either from NASS or any info to begin my application.......
Son received letter info about photo id, however, what time are they to report? The letter states something about arriving at BWI, but he is driving. Did not receive a CIS number, etc.
I called admissions this morning and they told me that they received all of my paperwork. However, they told me that we would not be receiving any confirmation letter in the mail and just to bring your acceptance letter and photo id. But, it appears that some are getting "confirmation of receipt" letters so I don't know whether or not we all will get one.
Semperfi2013, please unblock your private messaging capabilitiesi I just tried sending you a PM and it wouldn't go through.
Thank you!
Got Mine!

Greetings, I rcvd my Candidate letter I guess I am officially on the path. I did not get anything about NASS so I will bring photo id, copy of confirm letter and my dad (he is in Philly for the week) and check in for session 2.

One Step closer.........:thumb:
I got my letter on Tuesday and I am sooo excited! I have already started everything and I am having a blast doing all of the work- even though it's a lot but I am ecstatic that this process has all started!
Congratulations to all of the candidates!
got mine Tuesday as well! can't wait to finally get going with the whole process. :)
Son got Candidate letter on Tuesday afternoon. He too is excited about the "process" and it jump started him in to high gear. He can't wait for NASS and is smiling more than usual.
LOL my dad keeps asking "Whats wrong?" Cause I guess I'm in a better mood than normal (Normal? What's that?) I'm also starting the application process for both AFA and USNA, Its great to see our dreams in reach and we're CANDIDATES! Thats a huge step as far as I'm concerned :shake:
how long does it usually take to receive a candidate package, and if you are not chosen as a candidate, do they inform you?