No Word From NROTC, Should I Be Worried?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Aug 2, 2007
I completed my NROTC application about two months ago and have not received word about any selection decision. Should I be worried about my situation? How many more times will the board meet to make selection decisions?
Yes I can, but nothing has changed.

It has said that my "application is complete, but no decision has been made" for about two months now.
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What exactly have you done so far?
pt test>
I have done everything- my application is complete. I was never asked to do any kind of fitness assessment. I am qualified for all academies with DoDMERB, but NROTC still isn't shown on my DoDMERB site.

Nrotc has nothing to do with dodmerb. .

That goes through the cadet command.
If you are medically qualified, call the command and inquire as to your application there.

Dod merb is only to show if you are healthy.
this is just one piece of the puzzle.
That definitely clears things up. I did search the forum, but I apparently missed that post.

Bumblebee: I realize that, but I was referring to how each Academy/ROTC Program you apply to and your status is shown after you login to DoDMERB.

Thank you all for responding!
I have done everything- my application is complete. I was never asked to do any kind of fitness assessment. I am qualified for all academies with DoDMERB, but NROTC still isn't shown on my DoDMERB site.
My son's application was completed in August. His recruiter said that the earlier your application is in, the more times it will be looked at by the board. He was awarded a scholarship in December. I am not sure how many times the review board met before they made a decision on him. After he had the scholarship awarded, then NROTC was added to his DODMERB, which he started for USNA several months earlier.
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NROTC and AFROTC do not add the applicants to DoDMERB until they have been offered a scholarship. So once you show up on the DoDMERB web site for either one of those programs you know you have a scholarship, if you haven't already heard it from the programs before that.