Not looking good

Over half the class is selected from the national pool. Selection is based exclusively on whole person points. It doesn't matter if there are already 50 appointed from your district. If your son ranks, he is in.

If your MOC submitted a competitive list, the recruited athlete had a higher whole person score than your son. If he submitted a primary with ranked alternates, only the MOC knows why the recruited athlete was awarded the appointment.
Based on your experience, USNA69. What is awarded many points on the WPP rubric and what does not merit many points?

I could be wrong but I thought I read that WPP tops out at 70,000 points and that 30% of that is math SAT score. Is this correct?
sealion said:
Based on your experience, USNA69. What is awarded many points on the WPP rubric and what does not merit many points?

I could be wrong but I thought I read that WPP tops out at 70,000 points and that 30% of that is math SAT score. Is this correct?

For obvious reasons, the CGO holds this as a highly regarded secret. Publication or leaking of these numbers would cause candidates to become robots and merely strive to maximize points. Everything I have heard is hearsay. Practically everything submitted in the application process is weighted for points. I have been told by an Admissions representative that if a candidate has 70,000 points, the Academy would send a limo and driver to get them.:shake:

With that said, I think the Academy overemphasizes SAT scores and math is, by far, the most important.
From the slide presentation

QUALIFIED ALTERNATES (to fill class) 300

That's what I don't understand. How many are actually in that pool? USNA69 said that roughly half the class comes from QAs. For me this is like trying to see both sides of a quarter at once.

We're from PA. Thanks for the good wishes.
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The slide is mixing apples and oranges. The top part of the slide is all eligible appointments. Through one reason or another, not all of these are filled. Additionally, the top part only addresses offers. Remember not all who are offered, accept appointments. The 300 represents the number required to fill a class of 1200 only if all sources appointed their maximum openings and they all accepted. Remember that there will be somewhere between 1500 and 1600 offers made. Reality is that at least 500-600 offers annually come from the alternate pool.
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On reevaluation of the above linked presentation, I have no idea what it is trying to state. The presentation was prepared for refresher BGO training for the year 2002 and quoted "averages". I was not at any of the presentations that year so I do not know the intent of the slide. However, there were 4245 official nominations in 2002 and the numbers have been relatively consistent since, not the 6000 as quoted on the slide. The 600 MOC appointments, if they are indeed offers do, in fact, seem kind of low, factoring in 20% attrition and the several states where appointments are not always filled. The SecNav quantity seems high. Annually, there is an average of 75 or so sailors and marines from the fleet. The majority of the remaining NAPSters directly from high school enter with MOC appointments so I feel these candidates may somehow be counted twice. It would also explain the inflated total nomination quantity.

I do know that 500-600 offers are granted annually from the national pool. Since these are typically offered late in the admissions year, do only half accept to cause the 300 number? Also, it would be in the Academy's interest to present this number as the absolute minimum possible, assuming all the other nomination sources are maximized. I don't know.

Sorry for the continuted confusion.
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I'm a BGO who has 4 very highly qualified candidates (grades, SATs, sports, etc.) who have not yet received appointments. Don't despair. It's only March 10th; April 15 is a long way off.
usna1985 said:
I'm a BGO who has 4 very highly qualified candidates (grades, SATs, sports, etc.) who have not yet received appointments. Don't despair. It's only March 10th; April 15 is a long way off.
Don't give up once April 15th comes either. I didn't hear until April 18th when I called admissions to ask about my status..."Your appointment is in the mail." Those three days were pure...freakin'...torture.

I didn't get the packet until the 21st.

keep on truckin'
Congratulations on Harvard and the NROTC. But here's hoping #1 comes through for the son of Sealion!

I left a message (or tried to on the other site). Congratulations on Harvard! That is awesome, since it is so insanely difficult to do!:shake:

I know he wants that as a back up, but what a back up! :w00t: :beer1: :jump1: :yay:
Hey sealion.....Harvard has an active ROTC unit that trains with the 'boston consortium'....My Plebe decided to spend her USNA Spring Break with a young lady who chose Harvard MarineROTC over her USNA Appointment. My Plebe LOVED Harvard and told me that it's an awesome place to be in school. She roomed with her friend and met some of the ROTC folk too. So hang in there and let us know if USNA sends an Appointment his way.
Ok I remember her...yes she was quite different than Navgirl although I think she too went to Harvard for NROTC.:wink:

ETA:Just checked yes she's at Hah-vod as we say in New England.
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To set the record straight...yes I'm talking about bostonusmc, Shawna and yes my Plebe is very good friends with her - and yes she stayed with Shawna in her dorm room for her time at Harvard. I'm a regular contributor to the ROTC group with boxes of cookies too.

My Plebe, USNA and hopeful USMC and Shawna, HarvardMCRotc are hoping one day to reconnect at Quantico.

On a side comment:
They are both Arabic majors by the way, and my Plebe attended classes with Shawna while at Harvard. The report? Harvard is ahead of USNA in the beginning class. "No DUH!" was my reply. Harvard kids have college - USNA Plebes, still in an experiment for starting their academic year already declaring a major - have the entire Plebe process to deal with - oh, and yeah - school work too! So I told my kiddo that Harvard had better be ahead of the mids - :-)

Shawna is in a beauty contest this weekend, if I recall. She is one wonderfully amazing and talented and patriotic and beautiful young lady. Our military will be enriched by her service after Harvard.