Off Post Haircuts

Most definitely is now 👍
Yeah, well every Dunkin Donuts has a "tip jar" or mug but according to several of my students who manage/work at DD, very few people actually tip them. They'll put out the jar in hopes of gathering some $$$ but it's a hope rather than a sure thing.

dating or tipping?
Was absolutely no mid to mid dating when I was a Plebe and Youngster. . . USNA was all male and same sex dating was ummmmm "frowned upon". As a plebe, dating was pretty restricted but we tried. There were some mixers (mandatory fun/attendance required) with folks (women) from surrounding colleges. Many amusing stories have spring from THOSE.

During my Second Class year, there were female plebes but they were not allowed to date upperclass and I think they weren't allowed to date as plebes anyhow.

My First Class year, the new plebes were not allowed to date but there was some dating between females (third class) and other mids.
…not to digress tooooo much, as tipping does apply to haircuts….

But speaking of tipping, it’s a whole different animal now.

I ordered a TAKE AND BAKE pizza last night. Pappa Murphy’s. Ordered online. Paid online. At the end of checkout, the last piece was three different options for the ‘tip’. Before it’s even made. So WEIRD!

15 20 25 other

Those were my options.

Of course I did. Can’t imagine what may be I there if I didn’t. But it’s sure different than what ‘tipping’ used to be. It’s more of a service fee now. And should be called such.

The other place, is driving up to Mister Car Wash. I used to scan my credit card. Now a person comes out and asks if I need any help. Pushes buttons for me (which annoys me actually….). And waits for me to push the appropriate ‘tip’ option again. It didn’t used to be this way.

Traditionally, tipping was for recognizing good service. Usually the wage earner relies on the tip to be the biggest piece of their wage. Now? It’s a box you have to process through, EVERYWHERE. Those aren’t tips. Those are service fees.

I’m glad I’m able to add the fees. I’m glad the workers are there and showed up for work. It’s just different than it used to be. And feels forced, instead of recognized good service.

Different than the tip jar, that’s for sure.
Off topic but historically a lot of interesting folks working the USNA Barbershop... how many remember Mr. Tracy ? . he had one style, High and Tight. Others were a little more creative, but USNA really wasn't real receptive of "alternative" hair styling back in the day -- I recall certain OOD's put extra scrutiny when inspecting those with hair parted down the middle.

Like OldRetSWO- I can't imagine spending any time or money going out in town to a barber. Haircuts aren't that important to me to start with.
As my name implies, I was strictly an 8th wing shop guy.

They had one barber who everyone hated to get - Mr. Larkin. It would take him 45 min for a mid haircut. He had a sign at his chair that said "Everyday is Saturday". Another retired Army barber. You would sit down, he would put the cape on, and then start cleaning the clippers. Then the combs. Then he would cut a little and then go over and change the station on the radio three times. Then get absorbed in the hypothetical boxing discussion du jour. Always Joe Louis or Sugar Ray Robinson beating everyone. And he couldn't cut hair and talk at the same time. Brutal.
My guess is the quality of barbers at USNA was/is on par with the barbers at USAFA. It was not uncommon to send one of your SMACKs to a specific barber at the barbershop (He was always available). As bad as the quality of haircuts were, this guy could always create a haircut everyone knew that you had been to see him.