Opinion Wanted


Jun 15, 2006
As a Naval Academy Blue & Gold Officer, I annually attend one of the local congressman's Academy Days. This year's is scheduled for tomorrow morning. All the SAs are represented and we each give a short presentation. The USMMA grad always starts his presentation by handing someone in the audience a piece of paper and then asking them what it is. It is a check for one million dollars made out to him. In how many ever questions it takes, he draws this information out of the person in the audience. Then he proceeds with his presentation that if the concept of patriotism is a too difficult to comprehend, if they're not sure they want to defend their country, and if they don't care about getting shot at, surely they want to make money. He then describes how he built-up and sold his first container company for one million dollars within ten years of graduating from the academy. I have seethed, I have talked to him, I have talk to the Congressman's staff, and last year, by some fluke, I even got to proceed him where I modified my introduction to state that the SAs were about patriotism and about serving one's country at the sacrifice of wealth. Right over his head. Same spiel. Has anyone ever heard of reasoning such as this? Has anyone ever been used this ploy as a recruiting aide? I think he's out of line and my present intenion is to call the Academy if he does it again. Comments?
Almost all of the presentations I have attended always do mention the fact that graduates of KP will be paid very well (eg, my first job was 10k a month as a 22y/o third mate, granted I only worked 6mos a year so it's not as much as it looks), but his seems to be a little out of line. I'm sure his intent is good, but from your report it looks like it's not coming across very well. One of the reasons the money is usually mentioned in the KP presentation is it is one of the things that our Academy has over any of the other Academies. We can basically guarantee a graduate a job that pays several times over any job someone from any of the other schools can get upon graduation.

One of the issues with the USMMA rep program is that there really isn't a whole lot of oversight. If you want to do it you sign up and that's pretty much it.

Have you looked into his story? Any name of the company he sold? Story sounds a little grandiose to me, but could be true, us KP'ers have done some interesting things. Are you the only rep that is upset by this presentation?

Sorry for the 20 questions, having not seen the presentation first hand, I'm not quite sure wether it bothers me or not. I agree that the SA's are about patriotism and serving one's country, but I'm not sure that I agree that those and earning a good living are mutually exclusive.
Thanks kp2001. What I think I hear you saying is that the extra financial incentives should be one of the selling points for USMMA but that this rep probably went over the line slightly.
I'm pretty sure his story is true because he has told it exactly the same way for five years. Maybe I'll try to get a look at the check tomorrow.
Thanks for the insight.
What I think I hear you saying is that the extra financial incentives should be one of the selling points for USMMA but that this rep probably went over the line slightly.

I think that sums it up better than my rambling statement
USNA69, can you provide us an update? Just curious I guess. Our SC rep, who is a KP Grad, didn't touch on the subject of money but rather focused on the business/military opportunities. Wonder why the theatrics were needed?
jamzmom, Still the same presentation. I don't know if he toned it down a little, I've grown accustomed to it, or kp2001's perspective helped me a little bit, but it didn't seem as bad. He is a real personable guy so, before the presentation, I asked him to see the check, since being made out to him and him still having it, it was obviously uncashed. HE PRETENDED TO HAVE FORGOTTEN IT. However, as soon as his presentation started, out came the check. During the presentation, the 1/c Midshipman that was with me, looked over and asked; "who the hell is this guy?" My daughter-in-law says that people who always say the wrong thing at the wrong time lack "social filters". His big faux pax Saturday was thanking our Republican Congressman for inviting him, that this Republican congressman was doing a great job, and that the next election we should all vote for this Republican cogressman and that we should all stand up and give this Republican congressman a round of applause for the great job he was doing. I think our Republican congressman was actually vaulting seats to get down to him to tell him that this wasn't a political event. The guy lacks social filters.
USNA69 said:
He is a real personable guy so, before the presentation, I asked him to see the check, since being made out to him and him still having it, it was obviously uncashed. HE PRETENDED TO HAVE FORGOTTEN IT.

This makes me believe his story even less. I think there is something fishy there about the check and everything. What other reason would have have for saying he didn't have it and then pulling it out. I hate bashing my own kind, but something is rotten in Denmark. (I think that's how it goes anyway)
He gets their attention, I guess and no real harm done. He just overplays the money end of the career, I think. The Republican thing actually makes me feel kind of sorry for the guy.