My son has an internship at the Pentagon this summer and I am wondering if anyone has suggestions or ideas of places to stay for 10-14 weeks. He will have his commission (AFROTC) but will not yet be active duty.
Will he have any kind of TAD/TDY orders? With those, he can stay in a BOQ (Navy says Bachelor Officer Quarters, but it can be many names depending on service, such as temporary lodging or billeting). There is such a thing as no-cost TAD/TDY orders, which gives him official status but no authorized per diem or travel. That way, he can get the with orders lodging rate, as opposed to the on leave rate. Maybe his unit can gin something up, or the command where he is interning.
Or is it a funded internship? Hope so, since he won't have AD salary.
Many bases also have a hotel-like property, such as a Navy Lodge, Army Inn, etc. There quite often have a kitchenette or microwave and small reefer.
Best info and reservation websites can be found by searching the websites of these bases - I've listed in rough order of proximity, over to you for research:
Nearest to Pentagon is Joint Base Myer - Henderson Hall (formerly Ft. Myer, Marine Corps Base Henderson Hall), Arlington, VA. The
(don't think this is official link, but it's good info)
He could walk down to the Pentagon, a bit of a hike, but many do, or take the shuttle. There won't be parking for him, and paying for a monthly garage at D.C. rates will have him eating EZ Mac.
Ft. McNair, DC. Not sure of housing and transport there. I'm a little vague on nearest Metro stop.
Washington Navy Yard, DC. Could take Metro to Pentagon. Not sure of housing there.
JBAB - Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (Navy Annex Anacostia). Not sure about transport.
Ft. Belvoir, down US-1. Big base, not sure if transport.
Military by Owner.
Maybe someone has a short-term rental.
Maybe he has a classmate from the area whose family would rent him a room?
Good luck.