this is me , my name is Steven from the Bronx, New York and i would like to know what should i work on. i just finished my freshman year in high school. i've have been wanting to go the Academy since 8th grade, i have already contacted my ALO and he came to my house and i asked a lot of questons, i plan to visit the academy soon. im not very atheletic, im over weight, but i run every day and manage to have a mile time of 7-9 minutes around there. im studying hard for the PSAT and SAT, i hope to be a national merit scholar. besides running, i lift wieghts. i want the academy sooo bad, please anyone help me and tell me what should i work on.
3.7 cumaltive GPA
Top 5% Percent in Class
Class President and VP of englsih class
Air Force JROTC
NCOIC/Section chief of "community service" (in charge of seeking out
and organizing community
service activites for corps participation)
formal promotions: c/ab c/a1c, c/ssgt, c/tsgt
first sergeant/second in command to "academic section in support sqdrn
was in charge of conducting tutoring for cadets
class/flight leader
Drill Team
Commander of New cadet basic sqad
member of unarmed standard regulation
member of unarmed inspection team
Awareness presentation team
make two presentations to public on HIV/AIDS and conflict resolution
cadet council
counselor for cadet,s make sure the corps is run effiectly
junior varsity
team manager
mannas college of music preparatory school
senior choros
music piece soloist
awards and accomplishment
Youth leadership conference
youth leadership and diversity leadership conference
National Young leaders conference
outstanding cadet of the month (x2)
plaque for outstanind drill team member
plaque for outstanding assistent section cheif
trophy for highest ROTC average
trophy for highest academic average
executive officer recognitoin award
American veterans (AMVETS) award
NAtional SCholar Medalist
Youth LEadership Award
Academic Honor Roll (2 times)
Taking Honors Classes
Who's Who among high school
member of the NAtional Socitey of High School Scholars
Community Service
Soup kitchen
college fair
church activites
hours : 10 or more
summer camps:
Air Force JROTC Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp
3.7 cumaltive GPA
Top 5% Percent in Class
Class President and VP of englsih class
Air Force JROTC
NCOIC/Section chief of "community service" (in charge of seeking out
and organizing community
service activites for corps participation)
formal promotions: c/ab c/a1c, c/ssgt, c/tsgt
first sergeant/second in command to "academic section in support sqdrn
was in charge of conducting tutoring for cadets
class/flight leader
Drill Team
Commander of New cadet basic sqad
member of unarmed standard regulation
member of unarmed inspection team
Awareness presentation team
make two presentations to public on HIV/AIDS and conflict resolution
cadet council
counselor for cadet,s make sure the corps is run effiectly
junior varsity
team manager
mannas college of music preparatory school
senior choros
music piece soloist
awards and accomplishment
Youth leadership conference
youth leadership and diversity leadership conference
National Young leaders conference
outstanding cadet of the month (x2)
plaque for outstanind drill team member
plaque for outstanding assistent section cheif
trophy for highest ROTC average
trophy for highest academic average
executive officer recognitoin award
American veterans (AMVETS) award
NAtional SCholar Medalist
Youth LEadership Award
Academic Honor Roll (2 times)
Taking Honors Classes
Who's Who among high school
member of the NAtional Socitey of High School Scholars
Community Service
Soup kitchen
college fair
church activites
hours : 10 or more
summer camps:
Air Force JROTC Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp
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