Plebe2B Bexsero Meningitis vaccine question


Oct 24, 2015
My DS is a plebe2B and I have read somewhere on this forum of the required vaccines is the Bexsero, however it is back ordered in most places. He has yet to receive that part of his packet for vaccinations so I am ahead of the game here.

I also read here they can give the Bexsero to the plebes on I day.My question are is it required the Bexsero and the other is it is a 2 booster vaccine? The RN at my FP office stated it was a 6 month apart vaccine. Anyone else know or have heard other wise? So maybe it is better at this point for them to give it to him there since between May when he may be able to get it and 6 month later he will be at the academy. Any thoughts? Trying to elevate some soreness in all the soreness he will have during plebe summer but I know he will live. LOL it is the least of his soreness to come........
I know he will live. LOL it is the least of his soreness to come....
Very true. I'd say if it's available then go ahead take care of the first dose at home and medical should give him the later one (he should keep track himself as well and don't wait to be told). If not, he can get them at the academy. It's good to be proactive.
Concur with ktnatalk and I would await this year's forms/instructions to find out what vaccinations are required before actually getting them. I believe these forms/instructions will have phone numbers to call if there are any questions.
My caution about being careful with what you read on the internet applies 10x when it comes to medical advice ! Wait for official word from USNA. Better to get show up and get it done I Day than do something disqualifying. Trust me, Navy Medical is really good about making sure you have necessary vaccinations !
The OP is referring to my earlier post where I said that my DW, who is in the medical field recommends the MenB shot. Our DD got it over Xmas break hence why I know it hurts a lot. Also in that post was the link to the CDC recommendations where it, as well as other shots are listed for adults ages 19 to senior citizen.
I just received the shot for my annual physical and my upper arm was sore for days. Now I have to get part 2 of the shot? No one told me:(
I just received the shot for my annual physical and my upper arm was sore for days. Now I have to get part 2 of the shot? No one told me:(
:) Reminds me of the toddlers running away from the Nurse when it is time for their vaccine. Funny to have an 18 year old doing the same. Lucky they didn't choose Trumenba which requires 3 doses.
I am not just a Mom, I am a public health adviser. GET THE SHOT! In order to reduce soreness afterward, it is helpful to do a few push ups--moving the material through the muscle is essential. So, I am telling you to get the shot (barring counter indications) and then drop and give me 25.

Also, for parents and future midshipmen/college students, with or without an appointment to USNA, if you can afford it then you want to have this in you, working for you, and protecting you when you start living in Bancroft Hall or any college dormitory situation.
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Dr. Mom, should DS get the recommended menningitis series ( 2 or 3 doses) as posted by "5day":
Meningococcal Serogroup B Immunization
Indicated for active immunization to prevent invasive meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B in individuals aged 10 through 25 yr

Trumenba: 0.5 mL IM as a 3-dose series at months 0, 2, and 6

Bexsero: 0.5 mL IM as a 2-dose series administered at least 1 month apart

Or only ONE dose as asked by the USMA ( from the USMA Immunizations Record Form).
Sorry for the question, after re-reading the previous posts, I got my answer: It is good to be proactive as ktnatalk said. So DS should get the series.
I am so sorry TrackGirl. Really, if you knew me, I do not yell at all. I am a total No Drama Mama--it is a little creepy for people some time--the world is blowing up and I am totally cool and giving direction. I am just very, very passionate about protecting our children from horrific yet preventable diseases.

Go as far as you can with the shot series. Arrive at school with your shot record or a copy of it--you don't want to duplicate immunizations unnecessarily--not dangerous, just wasteful--and ouch! A little painful.
Also, you will be offered the HPV series, if you do not already have it, think about getting it. I recommend it (barring any counter indications). It is expensive on the outside but it is a shot that prevents cancer in your cervix--also anal cancer. Good for young men and young women--although not cost effective at a population level. So, again, if you do not have it already, consider it (see, no yelling.)
Dr. Mom, your input would be much appreciated
Our pediatrician only give Menactra, he does not carry Trumemba nor Bexsero.
Should we look for another provider with Trumemba or Bexsero?
Toto, I would take the action necessary to do what the academy wants within reason.
If it is going to make you travel long distances (you could live in a small town in the desert or on a tropical island--like we did when #1 needed things for USMA--and getting his wisdom teeth out turned into the sort of torturous adventure that proves he has the grit to survive at SERE school or under enemy torture--in retrospect it was like SAW and one of the parenting decision I regret) or it is going to break the bank for your family, then I would wait for your child to come under the TRICARE benefit.
However, really, if the letter says, "Do this" then you should strongly consider doing it. You might consult with your pediatrician first--especially if he or she knows your child and your child's history.
I would discourage you from randomly driving up to the urgent care clinic to complete this requirement.
Dr. Mom, your input would be much appreciated
Our pediatrician only give Menactra, he does not carry Trumemba nor Bexsero.
Should we look for another provider with Trumemba or Bexsero?
Ok, free medical advice, remember you get what you pay for. Do your own research.
Menactra and Bexsero are not the same. Close, but not the same.
The MenB shots are NEW vaccines (called Trumenba or Bexsero) approved in late 2014-early 2015. They cover meningococcal serogroup B, while the previous meningitis shots (called Menactra, Menveo or Menomune) cover serogroup A, C, W & Y. Those diseases are also very serious, so please be sure your last booster for those shots was at age 16 or later. You will not have protection against the MenB disease that affected UCSB students in 2013 unless you get the new MenB shots.
There are lots of other information out there, that is just a difficult to understand. But if the SA wants MenB coverage the answer is Trumemba or Bexsero.
Thank you 5day.
I have contacted USMA/ Cadet Health at West Point. Awaiting their answer. Sorry to post this on the USNA instead of USMA link, however hope that the information is pertinent to all SA.