PMS interview


5-Year Member
Jan 23, 2013
My ds has completed her AROTC application except for her PMS interview, which is scheduled for Thursday. The office with which she scheduled the interview told her to bring "verification" of all the activities that she listed in her application or she would not receive points on her score for them, but nowhere in the instructions did we find any reference to this requirement or suggestion. Also, I read here that some applicants bring letters of recommendation with them to the interview. Again, where does it say to do that? Should any or all of these things be uploaded under "other files" or should ds bring a file of paperwork with her? Please advise. Thank you.
That is one of those things that will vary, PMS to PMS I believe. I've heard of some having to bring things to theirs; me personally, I brought every thing, although I was never told to, and was never even used for my interview. From what the PMS told her, it looks like she should bring everything that she had also electronically uploaded to the portal.
Thank you, Thompson. Is ds supposed to have letters of recommendation uploaded in her portal? She has done so for USMA, but not for ROTC because we didn't see that in the instructions.
Thank you, Thompson. Is ds supposed to have letters of recommendation uploaded in her portal? She has done so for USMA, but not for ROTC because we didn't see that in the instructions.

LOR's are not required for ROTC, there is no place on the ROTC Portal for them to be uploaded.

It wouldn't hurts to bring a couple to the interview in case the PMS asks to see them, I've never heard of a PMS asking but I have also never heard of them asking for Varification of activities either. Since a verification is required from the applicants high school advisor for all activities listed in the application, and the PMS has access to the application, it seems a bit redundent to have to bring it to the interview. I would just have your daughter bring whatever the PMS wants, a couple LOR's certainly won't hurt if she has them.
Although the application doesn't require it, my DS uploaded into the Other Documents section backup for his awards, activities, etc. that were available to him (i.e. we photocopied a plaque he received for a leadership award, copies of his certificates stating he had been awarded varsity letters, etc.). In addition, the PMS with whom he interviewed asked DS to print out a complete copy of his application and to bring it with a copy of his transcripts & his PFT score sheet. Even though he wasn't asked, DS also brought copies of the awards, varsity letters, etc. that had been uploaded in the portal in case they wanted to see them. My son was not asked to bring any letters of recommendation. However, I know that there have been other applicants in this year's application cycle that were asked by their interviewer to bring them (if memory serves, it was either socomomer or Vista). I remember it because they were scrambling to get 3 requested letters with less than a week remaining before the interview.

So, as stated before, it may not be required for the application. But, if the PMS asks for it, I would move heaven & earth to get it for them! :smile:

Good luck on Thursday!
Yes, my DS was asked to bring LOR's to the interview. We also brought a copy of his resume' (the one he sent to his RC for USMA) and a copy of the essay type things that he had submitted (that was for DS to review before he went in so he remembered what he wrote!). The PMS liked the resume, as it was all right there in front of him on 1 page. Good luck!
Last year my son created a resume to hand out for his interview highlighting his SLA (scholar/leader/athlete) achievements. He also had a couple of letters of recommendations (same ones he had for USMA).

He showed up smartly dressed and confident, and handed the resume to the interviewer to provide some good talking points.

By the end of the interview the interviewer was trying to recruit him to choose their particular program :)

In the end he was nominated but not appointed to USMA, and received a 3yr AD scholarship. He learned once he got to his ROTC unit that they gave out no 4 year scholarships at his Btn this year. He has since been offered contract and 3.5 year as soon as he can clear the $%$#%^%$ DODMERB.
Oops! Forgot about the resume & personal statement -- I agree with the above posters that your son should definitely take those items, as well (DS had resume already created for college applications). Also, there have been varying opinions on this forum regarding the appropriate level of dress for the interview (khaki's & a nice shirt vs. suit, for example). I am personally a believer in that it's better to be overdressed, rather than underdressed. When DS spoke with the PMS's secretary to set up the interview, she told him what to bring with him and that he should "dress to impress". Therefore, DS wore a suit & tie. When he arrived for the interview, the secretary took one look at him and said, "Woooo, you look nice!". My son replied with a smile, "Well, you told me to dress to impress!", to which she replied, "Well, you definitely did just that!". So, it definitely started things out on the right foot!

Just my $.02.
My DS had his PMS interview last week. The PMS requested copies of letters confirming varsity sports captaincy, extracurricular leadership positions, and non varsity sports participation. DS had a little scrambling to do to get copies scanned and sent to the PMS. Now he is just waiting for his Dashboard to show the interview done.
Thank you all for your input! I am so glad that I asked. Truly, we had no idea that bringing paperwork to the interview was a common part of the process. There is a lot to do in the next day and half! Silly me, I am so used to reading DS for so many people, I incorrectly labeled my Dear Daughter! Definitely a sign of my own frazzled nerves.:redface:
Another $.02

Oops! Forgot about the resume & personal statement -- I agree with the above posters that your son should definitely take those items, as well (DS had resume already created for college applications). Also, there have been varying opinions on this forum regarding the appropriate level of dress for the interview (khaki's & a nice shirt vs. suit, for example). I am personally a believer in that it's better to be overdressed, rather than underdressed. When DS spoke with the PMS's secretary to set up the interview, she told him what to bring with him and that he should "dress to impress". Therefore, DS wore a suit & tie. When he arrived for the interview, the secretary took one look at him and said, "Woooo, you look nice!". My son replied with a smile, "Well, you told me to dress to impress!", to which she replied, "Well, you definitely did just that!". So, it definitely started things out on the right foot!

Just my $.02.

Tell DS to keep it up, my DS has only had positive responses from this sort of dress to impress, one time a coach told him he would start the game just because he came dressed in a suit - coach knew he was ready to take care of business.

The PMS at DS's interview actually requested DS bring clothes for the APFT even though his scores were already submitted. Guess they wanted to see everyone in action even though they wouldn't submit the scores. Funny thing was they gave general directions on where to run - and it was a huge college campus and DS took several wrong turns. I think the process was more important than the scores. Today DS is at a different college campus than he interviewed but stills says the PMS often engages in conversation with questions not to receive answers per se but to gauge other factors. They really are looking at the entire person, just as they say.
Thank you again, everyone, for this wealth of information! Interview tomorrow. I think DD has everything she needs - whew!