Poor Mail Delivery @ AFA


"Land of the free, because of the brave..."
10-Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
While we have been receiving letters from our daughter, she continually writes that she isn't receiving any mail from us. From a poster on this forum, I have numbered the letters we have sent her. I am up to #14, while she has only received #'s 4 & 7. Wife spoke to mailroom supervisor who stated that it was worse last year and confirmed the 2 letters mentioned were in her mailbox. I know that the PO Box # is correct and the Zip Code. Has anyone else had this problem? Feeling so guilty reading (in every letter home) that she is the only Cadet not getting letters during mail call. :(
Try to keep sending serial letters as they do not go to their mail box every day. When they get to Jacks Valley. It might help to add their Squadron and Flight to the address.
I wonder if possibly the problem is at your local post office in the sending of the letters. I always thought the USAF Academy, Colorado address was somewhat confusing -- without the words Colorado Springs or similar in the address. Maybe the scanning equipment or something at your local post office is confused by the address. Just a thought -- I haven't seen a parent complain about letters being this slow previously, although it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Fortunately your DD has written and alerted you to the problem. Sounds like you've already addressed this with some one in the Academy mail room -- maybe someone at your post office can figure out the problem. As noted above, mail delivery is actually better at Jack's Valley as members of the cadre drive back to the Academy every day and physically take the mail sacks to Jack's Valley -- Basics at Jacks aren't dependent on their cadre walking them to the Post Office.
We had a similar problem last year. Our daughter received no mail for 2 weeks of BCT2 despite tons of letters sent to her from friends and family - via both regular mail and write2them. She actually wrote to us asking if we were still sending mail. Then she got it all in one day. Weird because others in her squad and flight were receiving mail the whole time. No idea why.
It's sad to hear this since mail is so important to the cadets in basic training. Although you say you're addressing them correctly, you might want to talk to the postal workers at your own post office, showing them an addressed letter to your basic cadet, to verify that all is OK on your end. And you're not putting them in an outlying mailbox, by any chance, are you? Best to always take them inside and put them in the mail slots. Good luck!
They're pretty resolute by this point. And it made for a funny story later about how her family stopped writing her.
I have been taking them to the post office, having the letters weighed for the right postage. Tried write2them as well. She got their letters. Will speak to the postal workers with my next letter to see if there is anything wrong. Thanks to all for their advice.
USNA post office is not much better. They will get there.:thumb:
My son mentioned that he receives the mail from write2them regularly, but that the letters sent 'snail mail' are delayed. Yesterday he received a letter mailed before I-Day.