You've almost certainly passed. For the real thing, try to improve your push-ups to >50.
USNA doesn't publish minimum or average scores or even "goals." They want everyone to do their very best/strive for the max, not "settle" for something less. You can get a sense of your scores by looking at the max for each event. For example, if the max is 90 and you do 85, that's obviously excellent. If you do 40, not so much. While you may not know if 40 is failing, you have to know it's not great or even good.
Finally, for those folks who still haven't taken your CFA, DO IT NOW!!! Several reasons. First, in most places, the weather is getting worse. The SAs don't have much sympathy for the "it was cold and snowing" excuse when you could have taken the CFA in June, July, August, September . . . Second, you're getting into the holiday season where the administrators are busy and I've seen candidates not be able to find someone to administer the test at the end. Third, if you fail for whatever reason now (you're ill, weather was terrible, you had a bad day), you still have plenty of time to retake. If you wait until late Jan., you may not have time to retake or the time to improve so that you pass. Fourth, if you're in line for an appointment, it won't come until you have submitted a passing CFA.