Pre-application (Questionnaire) Confusion


5-Year Member
Dec 31, 2010
After looking at the Airforce Academy Admissions site, I notice a helpful timeline. It said the as a junior in high school (my current status) I should take the questionnaire. My status went to Competitive and then Candidate. I recently saw an Airforce Academy Admissions Catalog that explained these terms. Candidate was supposed to mean I had a nomination, which I have yet to do.

Also, I noticed that my graduation year on the questionnaire was 2010. 2012 was not an option, despite it being my graduation year. I hope I am not being pushed along because they think I'm some genius who graduated two years early. Any insight to these issues would be great.
Straight from my online application:

"When you submit your application you become a "Prospect." When USAFA processes your application you become an "Applicant." Should USAFA deem you competitive and/or you receive a nomination, you will become a "Candidate." Note that you may receive a nomination and still not be deemed competitive by USAFA."

As for the latter, it's probably a glitch in the system, for if you graduated in 2010 then you would be filling out the 2015 questionnaire. A quick call to your admissions counselor would get them on your case.
I don't think the pre-application went up for our graduating year yet. Did you put your graduation year as 2010 just because 2012 was not available? I just checked the website and it is still for the high school class of 2011.
The PCQ will not go up until sometime in March for the class of 16.

As a jr you should concern yourself with applying for SLS.

For the class of 16, you will not even become an applicant until AT THE EARLIEST end of June/early July.