Presidential nominations


5-Year Member
Feb 4, 2010
Are candidates with a Presidential nomination automatically put into the National pool or do they compete only with the other Pres. nominees? How many Presidential Apointments are given each year?
Are candidates with a Presidential nomination automatically put into the National pool or do they compete only with the other Pres. nominees? How many Presidential Apointments are given each year?

Presidential nom means that you simply satisfy the nom requirement, which actually results in TWEs for many qualified folks who don't have a nom. The Presidential nom places you in the pool along with the Senator nom candidates, the House of Reps. nom candidates, the Vice Presidential nom candidates, AND the other Presidential nom candidates. The one thing about Presidential noms is that you don't get the benefits of a "Principal Nom" from the MOC nom category. The way to get that, I think, is to also apply for a MOC nom in addition to your Presidential nom.
100 appointments are given to each service academy each year under the Presidential Nomination. It is my understanding that if you have a Presidential nom, but don't rcv one of those 100 appointments, you will still go into the national pool.