J jakesam Member Joined Feb 22, 2017 Messages 68 Mar 28, 2017 #1 Am i correct that you take the presidential pt test to apply for arotc and then once you are in you'll be taking the apft? Or do you do the apft in both circumstances?
Am i correct that you take the presidential pt test to apply for arotc and then once you are in you'll be taking the apft? Or do you do the apft in both circumstances?
AROTC-dad Moderator 10-Year Member Joined Mar 14, 2014 Messages 6,918 Mar 28, 2017 #2 For Army ROTC only: You can take either for the HS scholarship application, but scholarship winners must pass the APFT to validate their scholarship. Once in the program it is nothing but APFT thereafter. Good reading here by @clarksonarmy, an Army ROTC ROO. https://www.google.com/amp/s/golden...11/09/03/pft-or-prt-that-is-the-question/amp/
For Army ROTC only: You can take either for the HS scholarship application, but scholarship winners must pass the APFT to validate their scholarship. Once in the program it is nothing but APFT thereafter. Good reading here by @clarksonarmy, an Army ROTC ROO. https://www.google.com/amp/s/golden...11/09/03/pft-or-prt-that-is-the-question/amp/
V Vickster New Member Joined Mar 10, 2017 Messages 7 Mar 28, 2017 #3 Can anyone confirm whether all SMC's have changed the situps in the APFT to the position of arms across chest now instead of clasped behind the head?
Can anyone confirm whether all SMC's have changed the situps in the APFT to the position of arms across chest now instead of clasped behind the head?
kinnem Moderator 10-Year Member Joined Oct 21, 2010 Messages 16,244 Mar 28, 2017 #4 I would think that would be an SMC unique thing. I doubt that's something they coordinate, if they coordinate anything!
I would think that would be an SMC unique thing. I doubt that's something they coordinate, if they coordinate anything!