Principal nomination, tripler Q= appointment?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 6, 2008

I just to make daughter is tripler Q'd and we found out this weekend that she got a senator's principal nomination. This does mean that an appointment is certain, correct? Sorry, one of her friend's fathers made her a little nervous and told her she would still have to compete. (He is in the Air Force but did not go to the academy). Thanks for any insight!
Princ nom + LOA = Appt!

On my letter from the AFA, the "approval of acceptance letter from the AFA- 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence; " You are virtually assured of an appointment upon receipt of a nomination." All she and I needed was a nomination from Akaka or Abercrombie in my case for district...etc. but in our case, we got a Principal Nomination which pretty much guarantees an appt. barring all other conditions are completed satisfactory. I'm assuming Annapolis is pretty much the same in terms of procedures?
Thanks Imua! And you are giving away your location...ha! Those are the very same noms that my daughter applied for...but we are were absolutely hoping for Inouye! To answer your question, my daughter goes to Radford! Congrats to you! Are you preparing yourself for Colorado weather? Bur! Mahalo.
Colorado bound

I know the cold winter will be a shock for me...I'm more worried about the high alt. :shake: I need to start running up the Koko head crater! but its going to be exciting time in my life! I checked out in Utube some of the highlights of Winter weather at the AFA..its hilarious.:yllol: good luck to your daughter at the USNA...Navy was my 2nd choice...:smile:
I checked out in Utube some of the highlights of Winter weather at the AFA..its hilarious.:yllol:

Haha! did you see the winter wonderland video, when all the cadets are getting blown across the ice? They are all slipping, HAHAHA so funny.... :yllol:
we got a Principal Nomination which pretty much guarantees an appt. barring all other conditions are completed satisfactory.

Doesn't sound guaranteed to me. :wink:

At the risk of being the downer, only an appointment = an appointment. You don't have it until it's in your hand.

Just keepin' it real, folks. Sorry. :redface:

I just to make daughter is tripler Q'd and we found out this weekend that she got a senator's principal nomination. This does mean that an appointment is certain, correct? Sorry, one of her friend's fathers made her a little nervous and told her she would still have to compete. (He is in the Air Force but did not go to the academy). Thanks for any insight!

Yes. She already competed - in her congressional district and was chosen by her US Senator. Congratulations!
Candidate Info System(CIS) updates?

Hi All,
Any info would be great. I have a LOA and just heard, Friday evening, that I will receive a competitive nomination. How long before the CIS reflects that info(still reads 'none received' under nominations)? Also, does this mean the Appointment is imminent? Thanks for the info.
I hate to be a buzzkill with Zap, but the equation listed is not correct for USNA if your daughter does not have a Conditional Offer of Appointment (LOA). I cannot speak for USAFA, but:

Principal nomination + Triple Q = Eligible for USNA/NAPS/Foundation Offer

Your BGO will able to inform your daughter of her offer statuses.
My son had an LOA, and was medically cleared. He received a competitive nomination. Our BGO told us that if there is an LOA, the candidate most likely won't get a principle nomination because the competitive is all they need to get the appointment. MOC's usually give principle nominations to candidates who haven't received an LOA. It just helps get more candidates from their state in. It took about a week for the status to be changed online. Of course this was our experience and in no way am I saying I know everything about it.
I hate to be a buzzkill with Zap, but the equation listed is not correct for USNA if your daughter does not have a Conditional Offer of Appointment (LOA). I cannot speak for USAFA, but:

Principal nomination + Triple Q = Eligible for USNA/NAPS/Foundation Offer

Are you saying that a Triple Q'd candidate with a Principal Nomination is not an automatic appointment to USNA? :confused:

How is that possible? Who else from that MOC district is going to get the appointment OVER the 3Q'd Principal Nominee?
Quick question: I was under the impression that if a candidate is Triple Q'd, they are not considered for NAPS/Foundation. Only those that are not academically qualified to compete for USNA are considered for NAPS.........I had read somewhere here on the forums that once you receive the scholastically Q'd letter, you are not under consideration for NAPS.:confused:
update on my daughter

I think it would be great if someone could clarify and answer these very good questions. But to update you, my daughter called the Naval Academy this morning (does not have luck getting her BGO to return phone calls-her BGO is very busy and travels a lot) and my daughter IS getting an offer of appointment. And, she did not get an LOA when she was found scholastically qual'd. Thanks and I will look forward to seeing future responses to these other poster's great questions.
Yes please clarfiy - parkhurst or other BGO - I too have read polstings from Moms(?) stating that once a candidate receives the academically qual'd letter - they are NO LONGER eligble for NAPS - I have read it several different occassions. Just trying to assess what my son's options may be - I had come to think that since he has the academically qual'd letter, now notification from BGO that he is medically qual'd - that his only offer would be USNA or nothing. I know that if USNA offered him NAPS he would take that as apposed to using NROTC and reapply. Only authority info on this would be appreicated.
What "Academically Qualified" Means in Regards to Appointments

There are as many paths to the Academy as there are Midshipmen and candidates, so I hesitate to say this but I do not believe “Academically” qualified means it is USNA or nothing. My daughter was academically qualified two years ago, put on the waiting list, called the Friday before I-day and told she would not receive an appointment, but would be contacted by the Foundation. When the foundation contacted her she asked about NAPS and was told it was already full for the next academic year and for her it would not help her academics, so they offered her other prep schools. She accepted a Foundation Scholarship and is now in her Plebe year and doing exceptionally well.

So Princ. Nom with 3Q could still mean a NAPS offer and not an appointment? Didn't really think of that scenario, so I'll be interested to hear from others if this is confirmed, or if I am reading it wrong.
Princ. Nom with 3Q could still mean a NAPS offer and not an appointment?

No. Read the document in Antoinettes link. IF the Academy (USNA, USMA or USAFA) has determined you are fully qualified AND you receive a Principal Nomination from your US Rep or US Senator THEN you will receive an appointment.
This is the law and what a principal nomination means.

If you have received a prinicpal nomination and are not yet fully qualified then you must be fully qualified by the academy to receive an appointment. If the academy judges you to not be fully qualified (Academically or Physically) they may offer you Prep school.
My understanding is as follows:

(1) USNA Admissions determines whether you are academically qualified for USNA. If not, you are automatically considered for NAPS/Foundation. I have heard (secondhand) of a situation in which someone was initially offered NAPS/Foundation and then, later in the year, new grades and/or SATs came in and the person was reevaluated and determined to be academically qualified. I've never heard it going the other way (qualified to not qualified) but it's probably happened.

Thus, it is my understanding that you can't be academically qualified for NAPS and USNA at the same time -- they are mutually exclusive.

(2) If you have a principal nom and are fully qualified medically, academically, and physically, USNA must offer you an appointment.
I hope to clarify some bum gouge I posted. From the BGO Handbook:

Principal with Competing Alternates
This method provides for designation of a principal nominee by the member of Congress. The other nine unranked nominees are submitted to the academy for evaluation and compete as alternates. If the principal is fully qualified (academics, medical and physical aptitude), he or she will be appointed and will fill the vacancy. Note that this method does not take into account the quality of the other nominees if the principal nominee is fully qualified. On the other hand, if the principal does not qualify, the alternates then compete for the vacancy. Selection at this point is based on merit as determined by the evaluation and ranking of the alternates by the Academy.

I tried to get too cute in my candid advice and did not mean to contradict what was written. My intent... similar to what Zap my time as a BGO I just advise that an Offer of Appointment equals an offer in hand. Its the old advice of nothing is guaranteed except death and taxes.