Class of 20'girl here. If you can't do a pullup on R-day...... nothing happens. You move on and continue your journey throughout West Point. On R-day, LOTS of girls could not do a pullup. I believe there were a couple of guys who couldn't do a pullup. When you can't complete a pull-up you recycle through the line and do the flex arm-hang and go on about your merry way. I did not see anyone being yelled at or kicked out. The only people kicked out are on drugs or they left by themselves. Now that doesn't mean don't try to work towards it until R-day, you have plenty of time, but it's not an end all be all. There are girls here who still can't do pullups in all classes unfortunately. You'll realize it's a problem for a lot of girls here. But it doesn't have to be your problem and you don't have to be that girl. That being said, work on it. Do pullups everyday. If you can't do a complete one, do negatives, use a assisted machine or a dip bar. It goes a long way being able to do pullups. Also work on pushups and dips. My biggest advice for PT, work on upper body strength every day and don't look back, you'll thank yourself. Everyone's first APFT and physical abilities are rough because of nervousness, travel, and just adjusting. It can be a good culture shock and definitely throws your body off the first week. I still remember it and being so tired and drained. Message me if you have any questions.