Pull-ups on Rday?


New Member
May 17, 2016
I read in the instructions for admitted candidates that I have to be able to do 2 pull-ups on Rday (as a female) and if we can't meet the minimum pull-up requirements we can be dismissed right there. Will they actually dismiss us for failing to do pull-ups? Does anyone have tips on getting to 2 pull-ups? I am strong-I can do push-ups well, I've just never gotten a full pull up before.
Check with RC, but I'm pretty sure females have the option to do flexed arm hang instead of pull ups. That option is on the CFA so it is likely an oversight in the admitted candidate instructions. (and not the only mistake in there)
You have plenty of time to work on it everyday. Everyday you don't work on it, is a day you fall behind. If you don't think you can do it. Look at the thread about the first two female West Point grads to complete Ranger school. If they can do it.........so can you.

Push Hard, Press Forward
There were dudes who did 0 or 1 and are still here. Very very important to be able to do recommended amount though
Don't fall into the dangers of comparing yourself to others. You bring your own set of leadership potential. The only thing your should compare yourself to.......who and what you did or didn't do yesterday.

Push Hard, Press Forward
We were told something like 98 people failed pull ups last year, and they were not dismissed. Amazing how 98 people can pass the CFA, some with high numbers of pull ups apparently, and then can't do one, and not run afoul of the honor code. ;)
My cadet noted that during CBT, the standard for how they judged a sit up and pull up were different from when he took the CFA (and he took it 3 times). So what counted during the CFA didn't always count when it was done during CBT.
I know I can do the same length of a flexed arm hang as I did for the CFA, I just didn't know women HAD to do pull-ups and didn't have the flexed arm hang as an option -I'm not worried about not being able to perform as well as in my CFA