paradoxer, I thought HOPE was only for undergrad, I don't think we are talking about the federal tax credit, but a state program
NDD, you may be correct that you can use it for either degree, but I would investigate it because the key word maybe up to 127 college credit hours.
In your case as a college graduate they may say you have more than 127 credit hours, thus, they will not pay for graduate school.
Additionally, I would investigate to see if they pay for grad what is the min cgpa you need. It would not make sense that they will pay for grad with no min cgpa from undergrad, but put a requirement on HS for undergrad.
Future is also correct it is UP TO IS, and it only pays tuition. You will be amazed the amount of fees the schools nail students with, and AFROTC will not pay for them. I think for DD, her freshman yr it was @ 1850 dollars in BS fees.
The way it works is the AF pays the bursar directly for the tuition portion only. If it is 10K, than they pay 10K, not a dime more. People believe that between AFROTC scholarship and merit if it goes over the school will cut a check to the student. This is not universal and if the check is cut it is not coming from the AF's pot of gold, it is coming from the college. Our DS's college has never cut a check
In other words just because the AF will pay UP TO 18K, and your school is 8K cheaper than the UP TO limit, there will be no 8K check cut to you by the AF.
I get you have this plan, and it is good to have it. Trust me, you are not the 1st nor will be the last to consider ED. DS thought about it too at your age, but once you get to your 300 yr when you have to decide if you will apply for ED, many cadets are burnt out from the academic world. The idea of 2 more yrs in a classroom, than about 2 more yrs if you go rated, you quickly realize you will be 26 before you can put the books down and stop testing constantly.
Even for non-rated, many will go through the AF's training program, which is academic. It is not as long as UPT/UNT, but it is still classrooms. They don't just say, okay you are an Intel officer, go be an Intel officer. You go through their training and than it is more training once operational.
The other issue is that for some the decision is based on when they want to walk out the AF's door.
~~~ ED means you will walk out at 28 the earliest. (22 commission, 24 AD operational, 4 yrs later 28)
~~~ Take TAP and you can walk at 26 1/2 (22 commission, TAP is concurrent -- 3 yrs owed, 23 1/2 at last TAP, 3 yrs 26 1/2.
~~~ In it for a career, take the break and do it prior to O4 board, JIC you don't get picked up, you have your Masters.
Companies when hiring look more for the fact that you have a Master's than where it came from. NO Flaming. Yes, if it comes from a top tier college, like HYPPSM, or AF AFIT/Fellowships, than it will be a player in the equation, however, if it is from just a traditional state college, than it isn't going to get you a job any faster than someone else who has the same grad. degree. The make or break will be your work experience. I.E. why some do TAP.
AF is willing to pay 75%, the colleges on bases vary, but most have ERAU, UMD, Troy, Webster, etc. Same par as a traditional college, but for you personally if you want 4 and the door, it could be a factor. 26 1/2 or 28.
Also remember the way commitments work in the AF. Let's assume in both scenarios you go overseas for your 1st tour, 2- 3 yrs., you get orders with more than 1 yr left., that means they can send you back stateside, and you owe another 3 yrs. You actually are now at 28 with no ED, and close to 30 with ED.
As you can see when you get into AFROTC and start learning about commitments owed, how the line in the sand changes, those with the desire to leave at 4, re-think really quick how this is a factor.
Those wanting to do career, re-think because they realize that for promotion purposes the Master's is masked for over a decade. They than start to put into the equation how delaying will impact their career.
I support ED, but I think you need to look at long term goals and how it may impact you. In the rated world, it is a very difficult position to be in, but if it is AF sponsored (AFIT/Fellowships) it is different because it tells the AD commander, they were so good, the AF was willing to pay for them to go to grad. If you go on your own with your own dime, it just says you wanted it.
Meanwhile, that other officer who went Intel, has worked their way up in rank, and you could be reporting to him, but as far as the AF sees he is above you. Remember the grad degree is masked, they don't have a clue. All they know is the other is in charge, has more fodder compared to you.