Don't be defensive. You completely missed my point, read my post again. I am very aware of US AF/SF career professionals that are not pilots. I was merely pointing out that there are a number of interviewees that are just looking for a free education.
I would challenge anyone here to do all of the interviews I have done over the years and be able to definitively say this student is telling the truth and that student is not. It is impossible.
And yes I have had interviewees say they wanted to be AF Pilots yet could not name a single operational Air Force aircraft.
@Stormbird , I didn't read your post to be divisive or putting down anyone who not interested in or not going to serve in a pilot role after commissioning/ earning wings. I will say being the parent of a new mil officer (navy) who is down in Pensacola flying and eventually to earn his wings, that the 10 year after wings commitment is for those dreaming to fly not a big deterrent to a dream job. Most who want to fly/ love aviation will I think not pause to make the sacrifice.
I'm curious about interest in a longer career vs five and dive for those who were perhaps academically talented but in that window where they wouldn't qualify for financial aid but family didn't have a great deal of $ to support their education. I do see candidates who until coached flat-out say "for the free education" on why they want to attend a SA or train in ROTC. Inflation has tightened a lot of household belts - maybe there is an impact showing here on less people being willing to make a 12 or more with delay commitment. IDK, but appreciate your raising a good discussion point. I don't see anything incongruous about stating those wishing to avoid longer service commitments may steer away from aviation - 5 years vs 12+ is a difference - it is a bigger commitment.
I'm not sure how many cadets had pilot on their preference sheet but did not get it, or were as others noted wanted to be a pilto but were DQ'd for a pilot slot after a more in-depth class 1 flight physical. I do recommend, as we did for my DS in HS that anyone who can afford it pay for a class 1 flight physical completed by a team who often does these exams for the military before they commit to serve. Better to know up-front if you or your DD/ DS/ Dwhatever won't be able to fly for any reason. Things can change, but some DQs are already, like the alien waiting to pop-out in Aliens - already there - whether or not they have yet been discovered or not.
There were some posts noting that perhaps those ranked higher but not highest (maybe ranks 201-299, some other tiers like 400-499 would be culled for serving in key but non-aviation positions (serving the needs of the AF over pure preference). Maybe that had some impact on the lower numbers ending up in aviation? Not sure.
Anyhoo, just thought I'd sanity check how your post read and share a couple of thoughts.