

10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 10, 2007
So the story is I got a remedial for asthma and allergies, so I sent in 2.5 lbs of medical records. This package of records arrived at Dodmerb on Sept 15 (I had delivery confirmation from USPS). On the 18th I was added as a USCGA applicant since I was only a USMA candidate. On the 24th I was reviewed for USCGA and disqualified for eyesight. It says now that a remedial was requested on on the 25th for usma but there is no code.

So I have 2 questions:
Why was I stopped for my history of asthma by USMA, but not USCGA?
What remedial could I be getting now and how am I able to tell?
(I will put what I am able to see on my page)

Date Event Code(s)
25-JUN-07 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
23-JUL-07 Actual date of exam
07-AUG-07 Date exam received at DoDMERB
07-AUG-07 Medical data entry
13-AUG-07 Date letter sent - Remedial
18-SEP-07 Application Added
24-SEP-07 Date exam reviewed

Agency: US Coast Guard Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 18-SEP-2007
Current Medical Status: Disqualified (as of 24-SEP-07 )
Code Description
D155.42 Unaided distant visual acuity greater than 20/400

Waiver Process Instructions

Agency: US Military Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 25-JUN-2007
Current Medical Status: Remedial Requested (as of 25-SEP-07 )
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I was disqualified today for asthma for both uscga and usma. I haven't used medication for asthma since I've been in highschool and have participated in very competitive Varsity swimming all 4 years without trouble. What are my chances of getting a waiver? Would it be advised to send a letter to Dodmerb explaining my particular "asthma" situation?

Agency: US Coast Guard Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 18-SEP-2007
Current Medical Status: Disqualified (as of 26-SEP-07 )
Code Description
D241.30 Asthma/reactive airway disease/exercise induced bronchospasm after age 13
D155.42 Unaided distant visual acuity greater than 20/400

Waiver Process Instructions

Agency: US Military Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 25-JUN-2007
Current Medical Status: Pending Waiver Submission/Review (as of 26-SEP-07 )
Code Description
D241.30 Asthma/reactive airway disease/exercise induced bronchospasm after age 13

Waiver Process Instructions
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As I have explained in earlier posts, DoDMERB is black and white, if you have a condition that matches one in the instructions that DoDMERB uses, they have to disqualify you. In your case, in the medical records, DoDMERB found a mention of asthma after the 13th birthday, so they have to disqualify you.

As for writing a letter explaining your situation, that is never a bad idea. It may not change anything with DoDMERB, but the waiver authorities can look at all the information provided and possibly waive the disqualification.

You asked about your chances, based solely on what you have told me, I would think you should have a chance at a waiver.
The information that you provided was what I needed to give you the best answer possible. No need to apologize for duplicating information! More is always better!