Here is the information from the DoDMERB website:
Does "Remedial Requested" mean that we will be hearing from DoDMERB on the remedial issues? I was a little confused due to the following statement which was included above the medical status:Agency: US Air Force Academy
Current Medical Status: Remedial Requested
R220.00 - Provide copies of all medical and surgical records regarding shoulder surgery.
R252.30 - DD Form 2379, Statement of History Regarding Head Injury(ies)
D257.00 - Refractive error greater than -1.00 diopters in any meridian
D257.60 - Unaided near visual acuity worse than 20/20 (not PPQ)
D257.62 - Unaided distant visual acuity worse than 20/50
So, should we be requesting a waiver, or just wait until we hear from DoDMERB?Please do NOT Complete the additional tests, evaluations, or requests for additional information (codes that begin with "R") unless directed to do so by DoDMERB. If a medical waiver is granted, DoDMERB will request you complete these at that time. If a medical waiver is not granted, DoDMERB will not require these results or information. Completion prior to that "may" result in unnecessary expenses and infringement on your time.