Reporting Question


Jun 9, 2015
DS took DoDMERB 2 weeks ago. He got results in the mail today. It said:

This is great but he is also a candidate at USMA. Why is that one not there? Perhaps they have not requested it from DoDMERB yet? They were weeks behind the other two opening the portal. Still he is about 70% done with USMA but he is almost done with the other two (lacks CFA only)
I expect it's that USMA has not requested it yet.
My son just asked USMA that question this week. USMA told my son they will request DODMERB results at the proper time. He's qualified for the others, too.
My son just asked USMA that question this week. USMA told my son they will request DODMERB results at the proper time. He's qualified for the others, too.

USMA standard for request DoDMBER results are being a competitive candidate and application completion (or most of the application).
Last year, USNA ordered DODMERB way before USMA did for my DS. Since he's already qualified, I'm sure it will show up in his portal in due time without having to do anything.