ROTC recruits paid to command new languages


15-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2008
From the Army Times- if you have any interest or talent in languages you should investigate this with the ROTC detachment at your school. Note that it is in addition to the stipend you get with your scholarship. The program DOES NOT require you to major in the language- just study it and develop some proficiency.

"Desperate for officers who speak Arabic, Mandarin and other foreign languages, the Army is doling out monthly stipends to entice ROTC cadets in college to learn languages spoken in hot spots around the globe.

ROTC is offering $100 to $250 per month to recruits in the officer-training program who are willing to learn the languages spoken in Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions vital to national security..."

Full story can be found at:
Thats interesting for AFROTC scholarship you must take foreign language, DS is doing arabaic and there is no additional stipend for it.
Thats interesting for AFROTC scholarship you must take foreign language, DS is doing arabaic and there is no additional stipend for it.

I believe this is only true if your major/minor in a foreign language. My son is an Engineering major on scholarship and isn't required to take a language.
Ds is not majoring or minoring in language, but he is AFROTC, so it might be the AF requirement. His majors are Scholars govt and military history is his minor
Great find Bruno! Thanks. I will pass this info on to interested party.:wink:

Does the service obligation remain the same as for non-language ROTC?

As far as I know myself - NROTC does not offer additional stipend for demand languages. I know several college NROTC students taking those languages who could use the money.

The languages mentioned, Arabic, Farsi and Mandarin are very difficult and in my opinion should have incentives attached to their study. Because the workload, even as a minor concentration, is considerable.
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Great find Bruno! Thanks. I will pass this info on to interested party.:wink:

Does the service obligation remain the same as for non-language ROTC?

As far as I know myself - NROTC does not offer additional stipend for demand languages. I know several college NROTC students taking those languages who could use the money.

The languages mentioned, Arabic, Farsi and Mandarin are very difficult and in my opinion should have incentives attached to their study. Because the workload, even as a minor concentration, is considerable.

I've asked the question on the service obligation for Kids taking the language $- but haven't gotten an answer back yet (I sent it just before Christmas so suspect that my POC is still on leave). I believe from the limited amount that I have read that there is no additional service obligation- I can't however verify this. My suggestion would be to contact the ROTC department directly. It seems like a very lucrative and forward thinking deal and pays for immersion programs both Conus and OCONUS as well as stipends. As I understand it-you are eligible for the additional payments even if you are already on scholarship. As you point out - these are hard languages so this is no freebie- these are a lot of work but Language skills are an area where the US is sorely lacking so this seems like a pretty good attempt to fill some of the gap.