My son had his initial DoDMERB physical at Fort Gordon today. He had chronic otitis media as a small child, but no episodes since 1995. He had vent tubes placed in 1989 and 1994. I was aware that he had scarring on the tympanic membrane on the left, but was told today that there is a question of whether there is a hole. (Direct quote in notes on DD form 2351 "Deformed Lt T.M. with large white scar posterior. It is questionable whether Lt T.M. is intact. Hearing normal"). My son swears that ear "pops" like his other one. I am anticipating a visit to an ENT when the inevitable "more info needed" comes. How big a problem are we looking at if it is not intact? He is applying for USMA (1st choice), USNA, and ROTC Scholarship.