Scholarship $$ and other ???


10-Year Member
Dec 5, 2007
This has probably come up before in multiple postings....but here goes...

Can a plebe reduce his USNA loan package by applying any of his scholarship award monies (Elks, Rotary, etc) towards it ? If so, will this adjust his monthly "take home" paycheck upward or simply retire the loan balance sooner ?

And.....during Plebe Summer and before PC's are issued , can a plebe email home with a personal laptop or from an academy library PC ?
And.....during Plebe Summer and before PC's are issued , can a plebe email home with a personal laptop

I will not answer with an outright "No" simply because I'm not there to see it for myself, but I find it EXTREMELY unlikely. I would be utterly shocked if it were permitted, actually.

or from an academy library PC ?

That one I can't help you on with any degree of certainty. However, if the stories I've heard are literally true (two phone calls, 10 minutes each, all summer), then I doubt they'll let you lounge in front of a PC at the library.
This has probably come up before in multiple postings....but here goes...

Can a plebe reduce his USNA loan package by applying any of his scholarship award monies (Elks, Rotary, etc) towards it ? If so, will this adjust his monthly "take home" paycheck upward or simply retire the loan balance sooner ?

And.....during Plebe Summer and before PC's are issued , can a plebe email home with a personal laptop or from an academy library PC ?

In the past, you could apparently apply scholarships toward your initial deposit; however, there no longer is an initial deposit. I've heard that scholarships can be applied to things like textbooks while at school. However, as a practical matter, I'm not exactly sure how you would do that or whether the scholarship org would let you. I'd like to know if anyone currently at USNA has more up-to-date info -- and even that is uncertain as this coming year will be the first when plebes have no initial deposit.

The answer to your second question is . . . no. Plebes don't have "personal laptops" during plebe summer. DON'T bring one -- it will only be taken away and could get lost. Second, you don't have time during the summer to be visiting the library -- the ONLY time I recall being in the library during plebe summer was on a tour and I doubt things have changed.

Also, I was a mid LONG before email. However, from what I understand, even during Ac Year, the ability of plebes to email is controlled by their individual companies. So, I'm not even certain that is allowed in every case but, again, I'm sure a current mid will correct me if I'm wrong.
Yeah, I still had the initial deposit (ACE loan) when I entered. I heard something about them getting rid of it, but I'm not sure when that stared. I know it was at least after '09 cause my brother had to pay it too. Anyways, after the school year started, I contacted the Midn Financial office and ask them if some scholarship I received from the state of CA could be applied to paying off the ACE loan. They contacted the "Scholarshare" people and found out that I could use the money. They used the scholarship to pay off my loan. As a result, and money that would have normally been deducted from my paycheck to pay off the loan each month was rolled over into my "held pay" account which I received at the end of the semester. I ended getting about a grand more than my classmates in the end thanks to that scholarship.

You have absolutely no computer access during the summer. It's Plebe Summer, not summer camp ("Camp Tecumseh"). If you are ever on a computer, it would only be for a validation test. And don't bring your own laptop anyways - you can't connect it to the internet. It's a secured DoD network and no outside computers are allowed on it.
I thought in the past the ACE loan was about 3 grand assuming it isn't going away for c/o '13 what is the current amount of that loan give or take?
another scholarship money award

Son received notification letter from Beta Club of a $1,000 scholarship to be used towards " tuition, books and educational supplies".........surely USNA will accept this towards reducing a portion of his " midshipman loan"......:confused: