

15-Year Member
Mar 4, 2007

My son is a sophmore in High School. He was referred by his pediatrition for a scoliosis review about three years ago. The evaluation was performed by an Orthopedic Surgeon. The Doctor determined that there was an indication of scoliosis. My son went through a two month series of weekly strenghening exercises with a physical therapist and, upon review, it was determined that the condition was "cured". He recently had a check up by the same Doctor for some knee pain during soccer games. I asked the Doctor to check him for any reoccurance of scoliosis. The Doctor told us that unless he was specifically looking for the condition it could not be determined and, if identified, it was very slight. I know that scoliosis or "history of" may be a DQ. Do you know what the parameters are for this condition?

Thank You
20 degree curve in the lower back and 15 degree curve in the middle back are the maximum allowable curvatures. If you are over by one degree you are disqualified and it is non waivable. I know because that is what disqualified me.

There is a long answer, I just don't have the time right now. If you could post a reminder for me on Monday I'll be happy to give the long answer. The answer given above is not 100% correct.
Thanks RetnavyHM:

At your convenience anytime you could address this I would appreciate it. As I said, he is a sophomore so we have a lot of time. The Orthopedist said that if we hadn't mentioned it and he had not known the history he would never have even identified the condition.

We also have an interest in this subject. My daughter was disqualified on 9/24/2007 due to "Deviation or curvature of spine from normal alignment, structure, or function". She requested a waiver on 10/5/2007 and sent supporting letters from her own Doctor and from her Cross Country Coach. Her scoliosis is not symptomatic and does not interfere with wearing normal clothing. Her lumbar curve is 25 degrees. All other Cobb Measurements are within acceptable ranges. We visited USAFA this past Monday for the escorted tour. Admissions told us to contact DODMERB for the status of the waiver. They advised us not to drop by DODMERB while we were there. So we await the result of the waiver request. I have been following the Service Academy forums since she attended NASS 3 in June. I have been following this particular forum for the past month and was glad to see this Thread. Any insights from others would be greatly appreciated.
As an aside, we enjoyed leaving sunny and warm Boston on Sunday for the cool and snowy Academy grounds. We learned about First Shirt/First Snow. We enjoyed talking to Colorado baseball fans on Monday.
I apologize if you read this message twice. This is my first post. I tried sending it about 2 hours ago and I am not sure if it made it.

RetnavyHM will get back to us as soon as he can. He has always had the best info regarding DODMERB and will provide the best advice. My understanding is that the results of the scoliosis evaluation by the Cobb Measurements are the only ones that matter to the waiver authority.

My son wants to visit USAFA and we are planning on March of 2008. He is only a sophomore so we have some time. My daughter has a Zoomie in her Company @ USNA returning to Colorado and he said that he would try to give her brother a tour if he comes out. If you had some snow, Colorado Springs must have been great.
20 degree curve in the lower back and 15 degree curve in the middle back are the maximum allowable curvatures. If you are over by one degree you are disqualified and it is non waivable. I know because that is what disqualified me.

Here are the standards for scoliosis straight out of the instructions that DoDMERB goes by:

There is lumbar (lower spine) scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic (upper back) scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, or kyphosis and lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the cobb method.


My son is a sophmore in High School. He was referred by his pediatrition for a scoliosis review about three years ago. The evaluation was performed by an Orthopedic Surgeon. The Doctor determined that there was an indication of scoliosis. My son went through a two month series of weekly strenghening exercises with a physical therapist and, upon review, it was determined that the condition was "cured". He recently had a check up by the same Doctor for some knee pain during soccer games. I asked the Doctor to check him for any reoccurance of scoliosis. The Doctor told us that unless he was specifically looking for the condition it could not be determined and, if identified, it was very slight. I know that scoliosis or "history of" may be a DQ. Do you know what the parameters are for this condition?

Thank You

Based on what you have stated above, it does not sound like there will be an issue. There is no "history of" disqualification for scoliosis (unless there was sugery for scoliosis, but that would be a different disqualification). It sounds to me like your son had a minor scoliosis caused by a muscle imbalance next to the spine which the physical therapy has helped to straighten out.

When your son has his physical examination, if the examiner does no note scoliosis then DoDMERB will not request any additional information. If the examiner does note scoliosis, then DoDMERB will request a scoliosis series x-ray read by the Cobb method. If the reading is within the standards then there is no issue. I doubt that your son is going to have any issues with scoliosis based on what you have stated here.

We also have an interest in this subject. My daughter was disqualified on 9/24/2007 due to "Deviation or curvature of spine from normal alignment, structure, or function". She requested a waiver on 10/5/2007 and sent supporting letters from her own Doctor and from her Cross Country Coach. Her scoliosis is not symptomatic and does not interfere with wearing normal clothing. Her lumbar curve is 25 degrees. All other Cobb Measurements are within acceptable ranges.

I would definately suggest that your daughter write a letter and send it to DoDMERB explaining how the scoliosis affects her, if at all. I would also have her list what sports she participates in as well. Unfortunately there is not much else you can do except keep a positive attitude!!

If there are any other questions please feel free to ask away!

Thank you. I was not sure about the "history of" but during first DODMERB go around with daughter it seemed that even hangnail, hisory of was on the DODMERB check list. They are all inclusive, but then again they have to be. Thanks again and hope you had some great downtime.
On the same day that my daughter was named to the Conference All Star Team for Cross Country, she was informed that Air Force denied her waiver request. All this while she prepares to run in the state championships. No word from Army and Navy yet. She has a letter asking for reconsideration ready to mail tomorrow. Go Figure.