At the end of the summer they'll go through PFOREX, or Plebe Forces Exercise...pretty much a toned down Sea Trials.
All the stations were on the yard, unlike Sea Trials which will have a lot of stuff at the Naval Station.
IIRC, we woke up at the usual 0530 or 0545, went to breakfast, then headed straight for Lejune to do the pool phase for about 3 hours, then ran to Hospital Point for some more fun, follwed by a run to Farragut for just a little bit more. Whole thing ended around 1500, where Sea Trials is supposed to conclude at 1800 or 1830.
The one thing I remember about that day is have extremely chaffed elbows and knees from so much crawling around...crawling through sandy mud didn't help either. Send your plebe with a pair of compression shorts to wear under their utilities to prevent chaffage...they'll be allowed to retrieve underwear and undershirts from their personal bags early in the summer.