seventh semester transcript


USAFA 2013
15-Year Member
Dec 17, 2008
First semester just ended this past Friday. Pretty happy with the results; only B was in AP Physics... I was borderline A-B in calculus and got the A. The GPA will only go up about .04, rank will maybe move up a place or two. Now, I am under the impression that the AFA would like a copy of a transcript with first semester senior year grades. Is it my responsibility to have the transcript sent or will AFA specifically request the grades? My counselor said the updated transcripts should be ready next week.

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It's your responsibility to send it. They won't automatically ask for them. Some people send them; some don't. Only if you think it will help. It definitely can't hurt. You didn't say however if you already have an LOA/appointment. If you do, then you probably don't need to send anything. If you haven't received an LOA or appointment, then it could help. FWIW; if you do get an appointment, you will have to send a FINAL transcript upon graduation. Just to make sure you didn't mess up too badly. later... mike....
No LOA or appointment... Still gotta retake and pass the CFA. Anyway, thanks CC. Wasn't sure about the policy. When I spoke with my AFA counselor a few weeks ago she said that my academic composite score was high (SAT/ACT slightly above mean, near top end of mid 50%, 4.0 AFA reconfigured GPA), so the transcript probably wouldn't do a whole lot. Since the grades were good, however, I will go ahead and send it in as confirmation that I am not slacking.
good job buffalo, I couldn't pull an A on calculus :(. (89%!) midterms were today too, so I hope the academy never gets to see those! haha!
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that you had to send in a transcript even if you already have an appointment/LOA. Just to make sure you aren't goofing off in class I guess. But I definitely could be wrong.

Not that you would need to worry with almost all A's anyways :thumb:
good job buffalo, I couldn't pull an A on calculus :(. (89%!) midterms were today too, so I hope the academy never gets to see those! haha!

Ha, well I got the A by the good graces of my teacher. Rather than go by this exam chart, she calculated the semester grade by giving 75% to the two quarter grades and 25% to the final exam. I went B first quarter (87.5ish%) and A (93.5ish%) second quarter and got a 94% on the exam. Average those out and you get about a 91.5% which equals B (A is >92.5%), but I was given the A. Silly system really. Exams here very rarely change the semester grade.
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that you had to send in a transcript even if you already have an appointment/LOA. Just to make sure you aren't goofing off in class I guess. But I definitely could be wrong.

Not that you would need to worry with almost all A's anyways :thumb:

I could be mistaken about what the "Rule" is; but my son received his Appointment in November; he didn't send any transcripts in January after 1st semester; and he sent the final transcript after graduating. So, whether he was suppose to or not, I don't know. All I know is he didn't. Also; FWIW; ANYTHING you send to the academy or will be giving them when you arrive, HAVE A PHOTO COPY OF IT. There were a couple of times during BCT where they told my son; you need to fill this out, or have this sent down, because we don't show having it. His answer: "No problem, here's a copy. Will this do?" Anyway; just a little tidbit. Also; after graduating, buy a small 2 drawer file cabinet and keep a copy of EVERYTHING you fill out, sign, etc... They'll provide you with the copy. later... mike.....
Ha, well I got the A by the good graces of my teacher. Rather than go by this exam chart, she calculated the semester grade by giving 75% to the two quarter grades and 25% to the final exam. I went B first quarter (87.5ish%) and A (93.5ish%) second quarter and got a 94% on the exam. Average those out and you get about a 91.5% which equals B (A is >92.5%), but I was given the A. Silly system really. Exams here very rarely change the semester grade.

wow. there were maybe 4 A's in my ap calc class. i managed to scrape by with a B. i dont know if it was the teacher or what because most everyone in our class was pretty smart. Ruined by 4.0....and a few others too i believe
I stand corrected! its a 90 now! that's an A-! I'm so excited, I guess he finally dropped the lowest quiz grades! although I got a 69 on my physics midterm :rant2: that's actually not that bad considering how bad our teacher is and how every one else did. unfortunately it brought my semester grade to a B- :frown:
AFA2013, if a 69 was your raw score, I would take it. I got about a 48% on my physics exam. My teacher used the AP grading scale so a 5=A, 4=B... Well apparently a 48% is equivalent to a 4, so a B (converted to about an 86%) for me. Highest grade in the class was below a 60%, so I didn't do too bad.
Buffalo, yeah it was a plain 69%, but it wasn't converted or anything. I guess if I had gotten one more question right i could've pulled a C- haha. But this class is such a joke, it's pretty much self taught since he doesn't "teach" he just talks a lot and none of the labs we do are on the test or anything else for that matter. also, it's pretty much impossible to take real notes. just dont get me started on this teacher. The only reason I'm even taking this class is cause of the AFA! haha
I stand corrected! its a 90 now! that's an A-!

i wish 90% was an A for me
my school runs on a 92%=A scale
it sucks, I would have so many less B's in my earlier years

i hate it too that I will have a B again on my transcript (AP Physics). It is an extremely hard class, but since you cant know that unless you take it, I hope the review board doesnt look down on it
Just so you know, the AFA calculates their own GPA for your file to ensure that everyone is on as level of playing field as possible. So 90 and an A is not better than 90 and a B. The fact that its in a hard class like AP Phyisics will definetely help you though, not hurt you. They would rather see you taking challenging classes and maybe get a little bit lower grade than a blow off class and get a 100.
^thats how i see it. and im not taking ap, its honors, but its the highest level they had. we lack funding for teachers...
Yeah. Funding can be a big issue. I am just lucky my school's very big and well funded.
The only bad thing is some classes that are ranked honors and AP teach different stuff. For example, I was more interested in learning about Modern Humanities than British literature, so I ended up not taking the honors course.

Also, I was wondering if the AFA takes other colleges credits into consideration. I am taking CHS (college in high school) classes and they provide me with college credit through the University of Pittsburgh
Just so you know, the AFA calculates their own GPA for your file to ensure that everyone is on as level of playing field as possible. So 90 and an A is not better than 90 and a B.

Should it make a difference then if my school doesn't include percentages on transcripts?
mine does not either
it is straight letters
that is why I was wondering if the % mattered
The school will probably include a grading scale with the transcript, or USAFA might ask for one. Not sure, though.