I did find it interesting that they require TWO years of a foreign language regardless of the level.
As with many of the class/course requirements listed by USAFA, these are not hard and fast rules. Last year they also listed computer science as a "requirement". DD did not take a computer science class and she received an appointment. Her high school did not offer any computer science courses nor was it a requirement for completion of her AS and AA degree.
As mentioned by others, the Academy will look at your school's profile to determine what it does/does not offer and will be more interested in you taking the most challenging courses versus ones like "underwater basket weaving".
For DD, she had to go outside of her very small, rural school (23 graduated in her class) to take college courses (they were dual credit in that all of them counted towards her high school diploma as well) they were advanced math, science, and so forth. She also elected to take two semesters of college German since the only language offered at her high school was Spanish.
One other tidbit about her school's profile - in its 100+ year history, no student has ever gone on to an Ivy league college or a service academy (until she did). Only about 20% of her class continued on to a four year university (all local or smaller state ones), about another 20 - 25% went on to the nearby community college, about 15% to the local VoTech, a few claimed they were enlisting in one of the military services, the rest, well who knows, maybe working at McDonald's or their family farm.
What I am trying to say here is that although most people seem to imply that your school's profile is used to indicate whether they can "put out" the type of person who can make it through a service academy, it is not the end-all. You are the one who has to show you have the aptitude by what courses you take even if it means getting them outside of the normal school curricula, as well as all of the other pieces of the puzzle that contribute to the whole person - ECs, sports, volunteering, jobs, etc. etc. There is no ONE magic rule or formula.