State Confusion


5-Year Member
Jul 5, 2014
I am based on Fort Campbell, it resides on both Kentucky and Tennessee, although my home state is California. Which state do I apply to for a nomination?
My assumption is you are a military child. If that is the case where are your folks considered residents? KY, TN or CA? That is the state you as a minor are a resident.
Our resident state is CA, does that mean that I can't apply for nominations in TN or KY even if we reside here?

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It depends. The easy way to figure out which state is what state are your parents eligible to vote in? What state do they file taxes for yearly. Just because you live somewhere and may even own a home, it does not make you a resident. Heck ask Dad to take his LES out it will show his residency on the LES.

For example, you could be eligible for both CA and Tenn/KY if you're a military brat and one of the parents is a resident of one state and the other from another state, but you can't do both.
~ Bullet was AF, and an AK resident, but because I got my license while residing in NC, where we owned a home, I was no longer considered an AK resident. DS was able to chose which state he would apply for the nom.

However, if I had kept my AK license, even though we owned a home in NC, and none in AK, we would have been deemed AK residents since he was a military member and we were forced to move to NC due to the AF.
Don't forget to apply for the Presidential nom-you qualify for that one based on your Dad's service.

Always apply for every are eligible to obtain.

The good thing about the Presidential is if you qualify you will get the nomination and if your package is complete by Oct., you will be meeting the earliest boards.

That being said, submit the strongest packet, don't rush the CFA, because tonce submitted that is it. Only the SA can reopen it for you.

Also understand the Pres. Is considered a non-competitve nom., unlike a MOC non. IOWS you qual you get it, there is no restriction on the number that can be on the slate, only the number that can be charged(100). Typically about 450-500 candidates get this nom., thus from an appointment perspective it is still competitive.