STEP for women at USCGA


10-Year Member
Sep 12, 2006

Any Ladies attending the STEP Event at USCGA on November 4, 2006? I'll see you there if you are!
My daughter is going and pretty excited about it! She was going up on Oct 27th for a tour and interview but we canceled that to go to STEP.

I think it will be a great opportunity.
Thats great! I know another girl thats going too. that makes 3. Cya then!
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Very cool opportunity! Have fun & remember.... GIRL POWER! Go get 'em!
Lesya could you tell us about the program? What does it consist of? Thanks. Go girls!:thumb:

STEP will include participation in college-style lab experiments designed to give you a first hand account of what attending classes at the Academy is like. You will have the opportunity to conduct experiments in both our engineering and marine science labs under the direction of CGA faculty members. There will also be a special program for parents that includes a tour of campus and discussion panels with faculty, admissions officers and female cadets and officers.

Not sure you want to be a science, math or engineering major? Regardless of your intended major, as a cadet you will get a chance to take exciting classes in engineering, oceanography, and the sciences. Try it out and get a sneak peak at what lies ahead!

Hope that help!
Just to add to Lesya -
STEP is an acronym for Science, Technology and Engineering Program. This is the first year for the day long program. The young ladies will have a first hand opportunity to tour and participate in exeriments in the science labs. They will be able to interact with faculty members and cadets.

I am especially pleased to see that they will have a program for the parents as well which will include a tour and discussion session with faculty, admisson officers and female cadets and officers.
Is this program by invitation? I hadn't heard too much about it before. Sounds really good.

UMMM I'm Not sure. I believe by invitation but im sure if you emailed ur Admssions officer I'm sure that they would let a lady attend.

STEP was Awsome! There will be a DVD on STEP. I will see if I can possibly get a link to it so that everyone can see it.Yes I deff enjoyed it! We had 2 work shops. one we got to make a map using a program that the CGA cadets use and the other wrok shop was just a professor explaining about engineering at USCGA.
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STEP was a good program. My daughter really liked it. She enjoyed hearing from the engineering professor and the activities they did. The young women were given Coast Guard duffle bags with some goodies inside. About 40 young women attended most of them seniors in high school.
Parents had a question and answer session with 3 women CG officers and 2 women cadets. The mission of the Coast Guard was explained and there are many opportunities for graduates. We learned that all billets are available to women - the only service that can say that. Flight school billets are also available now to new graduates.
It was very informative and helpful.
We also had a tour. The campus is beautiful and impressive.
We ate lunch with the cadets and there was a football game in the afternoon. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly.
Fun Fact: 80% of Coast Guard officers go to Graduate school while in the Coast Guard and paid for by the Coast Guard.
Great reports Mom and Lesya.

STEP sounds like a great introduction to the Academy. The opportunities for women are amazing! Right now the number two person in the entire service is a woman, Vice Adm. Crea.

The info about the graduate education is son hopes to go on to the Kennedy School of Government for his masters.

And guess what folks my dd is applying this year for the Class of 2011! Here we go again!:thumb:
Great news Boss. Very cool. Do you remember how to answer all those tough application questions? :D I'm excited to watch the progress! You know I wish her the BEST of luck.

Glad the girls had fun at STEP. Really great program. Its a priceless experience to get to see what goes on at Academies.
Just_A_Mom, I wanted to help out with that but the class of 2010 had a trip to Sector Boston, so I couldn't. I'm glad everything went so well! If you have any additional questions, let me know, I don't mind helping at all. Boss, good luck with dd getting in!
I wanted to help with STEP, but all of us 4/c's had training that morning. All of the female cadets were encouraged to help, and I wanted to help out.
Another one

Hey CGA is having their 2nd STEP. It's on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 7:30 AM.

Go if you get a chance, it was awsome!
I went to STEP in November also. It was such a good experience. It was very informative and it was nice to get to meet some of the other applicants. I met Lesya there. If you have the opportunity to attend I would highly recommend it.
Hey Kat! Yes we hung out a lot during STEP. Welcome to the board. Took you long enough! j/K LOL!