Technology-Unlimited Data Plan?!?


Mar 30, 2017
My DS is telling us that the USNA issues each plebe a laptop. Yet he says he is taking his own laptop and cell phone and is going to need an unlimited data plan. Is this the deal or what is reality?
Thx for any feedback.
Hello, my only knowledge stems from my Candidate Visit, a bit of research, and these forums so I may be incorrect. However, I have heard that USNA will allow outside computer but to access the ethernet he will need the computer to be "converted" so to speak into an appropriately secure computer. The data plan is something I'm looking at aswell--actually cheaper than our current grandfathered plan--I heard from the Plebes at CVW that having a data plan with a hotspot is a great idea for later years mobile devices as wifi in Bancroft is nonexistent (or it is but not where I stayed) and the unlimited is just so your DS doesn't run out. However, I've also been told that Plebe year there are not many rates so he won't have much that'll eat up data. If someone with more intimacy with USNA has differing knowledge then that would also be appreciated by me as well.
The laptop is issued. I think you actually purchase it and it's deducted from pay, or you can pay up front (but I won't swear to that). I'm not even sure they'll allow his laptop with their IT guys getting their hands on it and making it secure. They certainly wouldn't let it connect to the net.

Personally, I'd hold off on the unlimited data plan. First, it depends on how his cell reception is there. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. I'm also not up to speed on the wireless situation but he may be able to do his streaming over his laptop or even cell phone. You can always add the unlimited data later, if needed.

Yes, laptop is issued and part of initial ACE loan. DS won't be allowed to bring his laptop on I-day. Furthermore, they are never allowed to connect a personal computer to the government internet. (only issued laptops can do so). I'm also not aware of any "conversion" to allow connection. Also, keep in mind that plebes don't rate media usage for the entire plebe year. So, any personal wifi laptop usage would likely be limited to time at a sponsors house etc. WiFi connectivity in the wardroom and steerage is for upperclass only.

On I-day he will need his cell phone and charger however. He'll be given instructions of how to package and label them etc. as part of the PTR. They will be taken on I-day, and then given to plebes on the three designated "phone home days" during plebe summer. After plebe summer, Mids will have their phones. How much data he will need is dependent on how much he uses the phone. My mid still uses the data plan that our family shares, which is not unlimited. Agree with kinnem to wait and see before changing data plans.
I'm waiting on Musk's plan to cover the world with Internet from space.
To answer your question he's trying to get a unlimited data plan to tether his personal device and use it to access the internet without the restrictions of federal networks.
This is exactly what he wants to do. Unnecessary, yes but convenient. I wouldn't do it as a plebe though.
Current plebe here. GET THE UNLIMITED DATA PLAN. Everyone here uses their phone very frequently whether for keeping up with email, group texts with companymates, checking the news right before chow calls, or just social media. I used 13 GB of data last month and I don't even use my phone as much as some of my classmates. Don't think your plebe won't use much data just because "plebes don't rate media." It's technically not allowed, but everyone does it.
Are you actually my son pretending to be someone else recommending unlimited? Kidding! ;)

Thanks all for the advice everyone. We are used to the data being nearly used up so will see how it goes and it's easy to switch to unlimited so will do if necessary.
Does it have to be the fast data only, or can it be the slower one (4G/5G/LTE). Do they both work equally in Bancroft Hall?
All wifi supports older and slower devices connecting to it. Otherwise we would all be out buying new devices when we upgraded our wifi routers. The reverse is true as well, so if he has a faster device and Bancroft has slower routers it will still work, at the routers speed.
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Which carrier has the best service at Annapolis?

We went with Verizon. Sprint also seems to be popular. DS usually has to leave Bancroft and go outside to call, though. It is my understanding that USNA is trying to upgrade the reception in Bancroft in certain areas . One room is able to get good reception, while the room across the hall and 2 doors down has almost no reception.
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My DS is telling us that the USNA issues each plebe a laptop. Yet he says he is taking his own laptop and cell phone and is going to need an unlimited data plan. Is this the deal or what is reality?
Thx for any feedback.

DEFINITELY get the unlimited plan. We switched to an unlimited data plan a couple of months after the ac year started. The mids burn through an incredible amount of data once ac year starts. We had started with a 10 G, not enough. Upped it to 12, then 14 G- still not enough. The overage fees were killing me financially, so I switched to the unlimited plan for him.
If it's any consolation, you can wait until PPW to make the switch. If you are the account holder, you will have to go with him/her to make the switch to unlimited. The Annapolis mall has a number of the large companies operating in the little booths with glass cases.

Towards the end of PS, the plebes will be issued their computer. They will be given time to unpack it, load some software, and log in for the first time and make sure everything functions. They then repack it, and it is stowed in a secure location until the beginning of ac year. It is my understanding that the serial numbers are recorded and each plebe receives back the same computer at the beginning of ac year. Assignments and many of the textbooks are electronic.

DS, at the beginning of 3/c year, bought himself an Ipad/tablet/something to use in taking notes during class. He said it is faster to do that than writing lecture notes by hand. Many of the mids apparently use some type of similar device for notetaking also.
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DS, at the beginning of 3/c year, bought himself an Ipad/tablet/something to use in taking notes during class. He said it is faster to do that than writing lecture notes by hand. Many of the mids apparently use some type of similar device for notetaking also.

I understand the convenience of a tablet, but why do they not just their laptops? I go to a traditional college and using an iPad (or really any tablet) is unheard of to take notes. Considering everyone needs a laptop to function in college now, and one is even provided at USNA, I don't see why one wouldn't just open up their laptop and use that.
So even with a VPN you can not connect to social media through Annapolis WiFi?
There is no wifi in Bancroft Hall (except for private wifi routers that only work in a company's wardroom). Your computer is connected to the internet through an Ethernet cable. The academic buildings have wifi but you are not able to connect your phone to it. You can access Facebook on your issued laptop but most of the social media we use today is exclusively on our phones (Instagram, Snapchat, etc). That is why mids end up using so much data. You cannot use a VPN on a government network and if you did you would get a major conduct offense.
DS, at the beginning of 3/c year, bought himself an Ipad/tablet/something to use in taking notes during class. He said it is faster to do that than writing lecture notes by hand. Many of the mids apparently use some type of similar device for notetaking also.

I understand the convenience of a tablet, but why do they not just their laptops? I go to a traditional college and using an iPad (or really any tablet) is unheard of to take notes. Considering everyone needs a laptop to function in college now, and one is even provided at USNA, I don't see why one wouldn't just open up their laptop and use that.

In DS's words when I asked the same thing: " The tablet is easier to carry around and with just the computer, we have to spent time flipping from the assignment on the computer to our class notes in order to complete assignments. It's just easier to have a second device to keep the class notes open while working on the assignment." Sigh. Personally, I think he just was looking for a reason to buy a new tech toy that he could also use for entertainment in those rare moments of free time. :D