Tell your friends you love them.


Founder - Service Academy Bacon Forums (SABF)
5-Year Member
Oct 15, 2017
I wake up every day thinking that today might be my last, and go to bed every night truly glad that it wasn't.
Tell the people you love, that you love them. It's important.
Our American Legion post is sending the love (letters and care pkg) to our brothers on the USS Stout DDG-55 (currently deployed). Best part, they don't yet know us or that it's on the way. Every so often we choose a different deployed group and reach out to give them a virtual high-five.
My HS son lost a classmate recently in a car accident. At the Funeral the friend's Father quoted a comedian with terminal cancer: "We are all Terminal, the sooner we realize this the sooner we will get around to what is really important about living" (paraphrasing) It was very powerful, especially coming from a grieving Dad to hundreds of Teens
I was immortal when I was a teenager. I was sure of it.
Getting knocked over the head with mortality isn't something you should have to experience with your friends, as a teenager.
You might want to think about the forgotten Navy on the USNS Ships all over the world (USNS Comfort is one). Military Sealift Command is mostly maned by merchant marine but is prepositioned around the globe. DS is currently in Saipan on roll-on roll-off. He is Merchant Marine but also USNR Officer. His great uncle was there 75 years ago but the climate was a lot different.
A neighboring county lost 3 high school young men last night in a rollover returning from a school club trip. Small rural towns, everyone knows everyone. 2, 16 year olds and a 17 year old all killed, from 3 different high schools.
I cannot fathom the loss. Nor the other kids injured, the driver, the van behind them who observed it and the first responders who likely knew someone involved. Hug those you love, tell them everyday.