Thanks, HC


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
May 20, 2007
I'm still shaking. After receiving my USMA LOA, I just got a letter from DoDMERB.

Right off the bat, I noticed it was only one page instead of the standard rejection-letter two. Then it said there was an important change:

I was granted a waiver to USMA for sleepwalking. :biggrin:

All the cliches are in order. RetHC, I owe you a BIG one! I really appreciate your help with everything.

“One's best success comes after their greatest disappointments.”
- Henry Ward Beecher

Agency: US Military Academy
Admission Status: In Process
Admission Status Change Date: 25-JUN-2007
Current Medical Status: Medical waiver granted (as of 10-OCT-07 )
Code Description
D231.60 Sleepwalking after the 13th birthday
D259.00 Waiver Approved - USMA

And before I copy and paste my whole quotes book on here, one last one:

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."
- Beverly Sills
Congratulations!! I appreciate the thanks, but all I've done was to point you in the right direction, you've done all the work! So make sure you give yourself a big pat on the back as well!!