Thanks to RetNavyHM


15-Year Member
Mar 4, 2007
My family and I would like to thank you for all your sound advice. I wish I had found this site sooner. We would have started the rebuttal process as soon as she got the DQ. At that time we didn't know any better. My daughter was DQ'd for "history of anxiety disorder" based upon a letter from a school counselor. After she received a notice from USNA saying her waiver was denied we went back to square one and started the rebuttal process. We followed your advice and she sent personal letters to DoDMERB and USNA along with evaluations by qualified medical professionals. We received a call on 4/23/07 from the Senior Medical Officer @ DoDMERB to inform us that her DQ had been removed. We received another call on 4/24/07 from our Senator's Office informing her that she had her appointment. USNA Class of 2011.

Without your advice and this site we would never have been able to get past the original denials. My advice is keep fighting. If your son/daughter wants it bad enough and they follow the advice of wise counsel (RetNavHM) the impossible can happen.

You may never know what a difference you made in this womans life, but we do.
Congratulations! :yay:

Here is another example of persistence paying off in the end.
You may never know what a difference you made in this womans life, but we do.

I do know, and that is why I'm happy to volunteer information. Congratulations, and I'm glad I could be of assistance!! :thumb: