Trying to save the living then bringing the dead home

Sgt Tycz, is an example of something I have read about far to often.

The guy who has already been pulled off the line , no more patrols, and is getting ready to fly home , and vol s to go out one more time , out of fear or concern for the team going out. And then gets hit.

Tycz based on reports by survivors did not want to set up there for the night but was over ruled.

And some times people did not have to go out on missions because it really was not their job as an officer to go out but they went anyway even though they were sure they were going to die.

Another recon patrol where the enlisted was in charge and the officer came along as a newbie shooter and would be killed.

The death of Jimmy Stewart’s son——and his reaction some years later


And some times people did not have to go out on missions because it really was not their job as an officer to go out but they went anyway even though they were sure they were going to die.

Another recon patrol where the enlisted was in charge and the officer came along as a newbie shooter and would be killed.

The death of Jimmy Stewart’s son——and his reaction some years later

I didn't know that he had lost a son. What a tragic story. Ordered into a nightmare. Very sad. I was glad at the end to hear that they had all met and spoken, and hopefully helped one another heal. Thank you for sharing.
It was his step son who he raised. The link did not come thru but he talked about the boy or at least tried to while on Good Morning America many years later.

He said—-Don did not want to be drafted he wanted to be a Marine and I encouraged him to do so.

Then he broke down