Congratulations on your scholarship. From what I understand, if you are awarded an ROTC scholarship, UT has in the past given a grant for a large portion of the room and board. Not sure what other perks might be available. In terms of what to expect, its a very exciting time, not only joining ROTC but also college in general. There will be a lot of moving parts but the 2 key things to concentrate on will be grades and pt. If you keep those two things up the first year that will set you up well for the latter years. The rest will fall into place over the coming years. No need to worry about OML, branching, advanced camp and such at this point. Remember at some point, you will feel like everyone else has it all together and you will feel like you are the only one that doesn't know what's going on. When that happens try to remember that the majority of your peers will feel the exact same way at some point. If in doubt, ask one of your MS3 or MS4 -its their job to make sure you succeed. Hope that helps