Unrestricted Line (Intelligence)

MD dd Dad

5-Year Member
Jan 6, 2020
Re: NROTC - I understand there are a handful of Intelligence slots available in the Unrestricted Line category. What is the MIDN process to make yourself eligible/known/selected for one of those slots?
There is always some confusion about this during service selection. The Intel community for the Navy is organized under the 18XX designator series. Intel billets are technically "Restricted Line-Special Duty".

For NROTC, the service selection is geared HEAVILY toward URL billets. There are times when a person has a medical issue which makes them DQ for URL spots but the Intel community may want to take them depending on degree field and their grades.

If a Midshipmen really wants Intel, I would recommend asking for SWO-IP. They get their SWO pin in about 18 months, then head off and take IP courses and jump over to the 18XX community.

This is for NROTC only. USNA has a broader range of options but I will defer to the many wiser people on the forums who have the academy background and expertise.