I had an incident when I was twelve where I came out of the water at a local beach and developed hives, then difficulty breathing. An ambulance was called for oxygen, and afterwards I was fine. I was prescribed an Epi-Pen because it was suspected that I had developed cold-induced urticaria (It wasnt the first time I had hives, but the first time with any breathing difficulty). I never used the Epi-Pen, and never had any similar incident (I was no longer prescribed an Epi-Pen after the original expired). I have returned to approx. the same temperature water without any problems. I have no history of asthma or any other allergies, and no longer react to the cold the way that I did when I was twelve. Do you think this will impact a DODMERB decision?
I had an incident when I was twelve where I came out of the water at a local beach and developed hives, then difficulty breathing. An ambulance was called for oxygen, and afterwards I was fine. I was prescribed an Epi-Pen because it was suspected that I had developed cold-induced urticaria (It wasnt the first time I had hives, but the first time with any breathing difficulty). I never used the Epi-Pen, and never had any similar incident (I was no longer prescribed an Epi-Pen after the original expired). I have returned to approx. the same temperature water without any problems. I have no history of asthma or any other allergies, and no longer react to the cold the way that I did when I was twelve. Do you think this will impact a DODMERB decision?