USAFA Optional Essay

Copeland 2025

USNA '25
Feb 18, 2020
Hi all!

I saw the third prompt for the USAFA statements is optional. It seems generally recommended to use it to help separate yourself from the pack and sell yourself to USAFA. However, I don't have any extraordinary circumstances or anything that needs explaining (grades slipped, etc.). I feel that the rest of my package sums everything up well, so I'm not sure what I would write about without being repetitive. Does anyone know what else I could bring up in this essay? Or am I better off not submitting it? Thank you!
Think of it as a mini challenge. Ok,right now I've hit all the bases and I don't think I've done anything find go and find something. Ask parents, friends, siblings or teachers. Even though you think you have nothing incredible to offer I bet you've got something. Maybe it's your attention to detail or determination. It could be how you motivated others or handled a situation. Don't make something up as that's lying, but give your self some credit. Remember these essay show who you are as a person. They are the one chance to say " Ok USAFA here's why you can't say no to me."

Many of the people applying haven't done amazing things but they get in don't they? That's because amazing can be hidden by ordinary. Keep trucking you got this!
N- I felt the same way about the optional essay. I just didn’t feel like I had anything else to say. It isn’t a trick question, you don’t have to answer it. I didn't, and I am currently a cadet.
When I was writing out those essay, someone told me that you should use that optional essay to put any information that couldn't be said anywhere else on the application.

For me, I wrote about 60 words about financial struggles and my(then) current living situation. That would be my advice.