I am new to the service academy forums. I have been looking through these all the time but I never posted until now.
I applied to all three service academies, and am still waiting to hear back from USMA and USAFA (I never received a nomination for USNA so I got a TWE from them a while back). I have nominations for both the USAFA and USMA and am medically cleared for both.
USMA gave me a medical waiver on the 28th of February and I haven't heard back from them since then. I keep hearing about April 15th on this site and am hoping I get some form of response on or before then.
If it is relevant to you I have a 3.6 GPA (our school does not weight GPA's, so that is the unweighted score), 1440 SAT, and maxed out all components in the CFA except the basketball throw. I am also the Track/XC captain of my team. I also have varsity years on baseball and golf, and a bunch of other extra curricular activities but I'm not really looking to put my whole resume on here right now.
Do I still have a shot or are the majority of slots already taken?
I am new to the service academy forums. I have been looking through these all the time but I never posted until now.
I applied to all three service academies, and am still waiting to hear back from USMA and USAFA (I never received a nomination for USNA so I got a TWE from them a while back). I have nominations for both the USAFA and USMA and am medically cleared for both.
USMA gave me a medical waiver on the 28th of February and I haven't heard back from them since then. I keep hearing about April 15th on this site and am hoping I get some form of response on or before then.
If it is relevant to you I have a 3.6 GPA (our school does not weight GPA's, so that is the unweighted score), 1440 SAT, and maxed out all components in the CFA except the basketball throw. I am also the Track/XC captain of my team. I also have varsity years on baseball and golf, and a bunch of other extra curricular activities but I'm not really looking to put my whole resume on here right now.
Do I still have a shot or are the majority of slots already taken?