Is the Naval Academy allowing parents to become too involved? From my readings on this forum, apparently parents are more involved in organized activities than at any other Academy. In the past 10 years or so, I-Day has evolved into a circus with bleachers and live video of the barbershop. Parent's weekend has always been what it is. Sea Trials, originally a good idea, has become a showcase for the plebes to perform for their parents, akin to a trained seal exhibition as Sea World. Sea Trials combined with Herndon has become another PPW. Picnics and dinners for family. I am most positive that is why we now have over half the Brigade running around in 3rd class shoulder boards. Tradition and good order violated so that parents can see their mids in new shoulder boards and chokers.
Beyone my obvious question as to why it is necessary, for those of us who live in economically deflated areas, where a hard-earned dollar is still a dollar and affluence hasn't driven the cost of living such that a cross country plane ticket can be considered an incidental expense, do midshipmen whose parents cannot finance the requisite involvement, somehow feel inferior? Do these parents, who are also being asked for a 10k annual contribution to the Alumni Assn, also feel inferior. Also, as a taxpayer, we seem to be operating the Academy plant for longer periods when nothing constructive is really happening. I think until 1995 or so came along and broke our nadir for Herndon, we were the longest. We were actually late for our next scheduled activity, if I remember correctly. Classes until the two or three days for exams, ending on Wed, with June Week (Graduation Week) starting on Thursday through the following Wednesday. We actually had training, professional, if I remember correctly, every morning of that week up until the time to prepare for the daily P-rade.
Perhaps USNA is in cahoots with the area lodging industry to ensure they remain at 125% capacity for the entire year. Enquiring minds want to know.
Beyone my obvious question as to why it is necessary, for those of us who live in economically deflated areas, where a hard-earned dollar is still a dollar and affluence hasn't driven the cost of living such that a cross country plane ticket can be considered an incidental expense, do midshipmen whose parents cannot finance the requisite involvement, somehow feel inferior? Do these parents, who are also being asked for a 10k annual contribution to the Alumni Assn, also feel inferior. Also, as a taxpayer, we seem to be operating the Academy plant for longer periods when nothing constructive is really happening. I think until 1995 or so came along and broke our nadir for Herndon, we were the longest. We were actually late for our next scheduled activity, if I remember correctly. Classes until the two or three days for exams, ending on Wed, with June Week (Graduation Week) starting on Thursday through the following Wednesday. We actually had training, professional, if I remember correctly, every morning of that week up until the time to prepare for the daily P-rade.
Perhaps USNA is in cahoots with the area lodging industry to ensure they remain at 125% capacity for the entire year. Enquiring minds want to know.
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