USNA Summer STEM Camp


New Member
Feb 6, 2019
My DS attended USNA Sumer STEM Camp last summer before his sophomore year of HS. He came away even more convinced that he wants to go to the USNA. I thought he should/could apply to attend again this summer assuming that it would help him learn more about the Academy and they the Academy is surely using these experiences for recruitment as well. He says he was told they don't want kids to attend multiple times to allow for more kids to get the experience.

Does anyone know if I should encourage him to apply again, or look for other beneficial summer opportunities.
Have him apply to summer seminar when he is old enough. I don’t think it would be beneficial to attend the camp again because they likely will do the same stuff.
My DD went as a rising 9th grader and met someone who was there for a second time, so it can happen. My DD applied again for the same reason as your DS. My DD did not get to go again, but again, it is possible. I'd look for other opportunities as well as I'm sure it's a rarity. The application is not that hard either so why not.
I thought he should/could apply to attend again this summer assuming that it would help him learn more about the Academy and they the Academy is surely using these experiences for recruitment as well. He says he was told they don't want kids to attend multiple times to allow for more kids to get the experience.

First, STEM is not really a recruiting tool. It is designed to encourage young people to pursue careers in STEM -- whether at USNA or some other school. Yes, USNA hopes that the experience there will spark some interest in USNA, but STEM serves a very different purpose than NASS, which is definitely a recruiting tool. IOW, if a kid has zero interest in attending a SA, he/she would still enjoy and benefit from STEM. Not so much the case with NASS, for which it's good to have at least some interest/desire in attending a SA.

STEM is super competitive -- something like 7,000 applications for roughly 700 spaces (could be off a bit on those numbers but not too far). Thus, while your DS can certain apply again, I would be shocked if they allowed someone to attend twice when there are so many people who want to attend once. Also, attending a second time will not make him more competitive as a candidate for USNA.

If he really wants to do STEM again, I suggest he apply to the program at another SA. Different location, different experience, still STEM. And he can apply to NASS next year and request a CVW.
USNA had a webinar last night re:STEM.
1. Said some have gone more than once but it is rare as they like to let more kids experience it.
2. Rolling admission. She said they have chosen some and first notifications will go out next week.
That being said, my rising junior has her fingers crossed. Wait listed as a freshman and denied as a sophomore....
I see that the Summer Seminar notifications went out. Any word on STEM applications?