Va Tech Corp no nrotc scholorship


Dec 30, 2016
Hi, I have been accepted at va tech, but did not receive the 4 year nrotc scholorship. Has anyone had any experience applying for three and two year scholorships after completing a year of school at Va Tech? Any insights into what they might be looking for, other than grades and continued interest? Can I participate in the Corp of Cadets without the scholorship? As I do not know why I did not get the nrotc scholorship out of HS, (thought I was a viable candidate, 4.3 gpa, 1380 sat, varsity athlete etc) any help into what they might be looking for from a current college applicant would be appreciated as it is still my desire to serve.

Well, I can't answer all your questions, but you can certainly participate in the Corps of Cadets without the scholarship. If you're in NROTC then you can reapply for the 4 year high school scholarship this summer and autumn. After that there are opportunities to apply for side load scholarships (2 and 3 year scholarships) at least once a year and I'm pretty sure it's every semester (used to be every semester anyway). As to why you didn't receive a scholarship, I don't think anyone hear can tell you. We haven't seen your entire resume, read your essays, been in your interview, etc etc. It might just be that the competition beat you out for the limited number of scholarships available.

My son's resume was similar to what you posted for grades etc. He did not receive a 4 year scholarship for NROTC MO. He did receive a sideload scholarship the second semester of his sophomore year. Hang tough. There are no guarantees you will win a scholarship while in school though. Many do not. My recommendation would be to make your plans as though you will not receive one and hope for the best.
VA Tech gives money to everyone who is in hte Corps of Cadets. It is clearly listed on the VA Tech Corps of Cadets webpages. Also, if you get into school and it is not looking good for a Navy ROTC scholarship -- you can switch to Army ROTC and try to earn a scholarship that way. are you majoring in engineering or science? That certainly helps with NROTC.
You should call the NROTC recruiter and ask about side load scholarships and other opportunities at VA Tech for cadets.
I'm in the corp at VT. What the above poster said about everybody in the VTCC getting money is not true. Also, it is extremely competitive to get an NROTC scholarship while in college. Although you can re-apply for the high school scholarship as a freshmen in college. If you don't get an NROTC scholarship then you have to get something called advanced standing to even commission. Most kids who are not on an NROTC scholarship when they get here end up switching ROTC branches. There are a ton of kids in my ROTC (Air Force) that switched over from navy because they were not going to commission. I don't mean to scare you or crush any dreams but I'm just trying to give you a heads up.
I'm in the corp at VT. What the above poster said about everybody in the VTCC getting money is not true. Also, it is extremely competitive to get an NROTC scholarship while in college. Although you can re-apply for the high school scholarship as a freshmen in college. If you don't get an NROTC scholarship then you have to get something called advanced standing to even commission. Most kids who are not on an NROTC scholarship when they get here end up switching ROTC branches. There are a ton of kids in my ROTC (Air Force) that switched over from navy because they were not going to commission. I don't mean to scare you or crush any dreams but I'm just trying to give you a heads up.
I would add that the competitiveness is not (necessarily) a function of VT, but of NROTC. It's hard to get a sideload scholarship at any college. Advanced Standing is easier but many do not achieve that either.
Actually, almost everyone in the Corps of Cadets receives an Emerging Leaders Scholarship:
Also, if you play a musical instrument and are willing to be in the band, there is additional scholarship money.

However, I know of many would be Naval officers who have switched to Army ROTC because they 1) want the contract and the opportunities for ROTC scholarship money and 2) they want to know that they will be commissioned and have the chance to serve.
The emerging leadership scholarships are only awarded to about half of all cadets. Regardless, I think it really comes down to if you are in/ out of state and how much you need money. I have kids in my company who are out of state students who came in with the hopes of getting a scholarship and didn't get one. Some of them are considering transferring. So if you cant afford to go to VT and put all of your hopes into getting a scholarship, I don't think that would be wise.